Darkrealms@1:229/426 to
All on Friday, December 22, 2023 14:00:06
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.MAIL.SENDMAILConfiguring and using 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.MISC General topics about 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.MOBILE.ANDROIDiscussion about Andr 6 8
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.MOBILE.IPAD Discussion about the 9 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.OS.LINUX.ADVOBenefits of Linux com 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.OS.LINUX.NETWArea automatically ad 11 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.OS.MS-WINDOWSArea automatically ad 2 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.OS.MSDOS.DJGPDOS GNU C/C++ applica 4 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.OS.VMS DEC's VAX* line of co 264 19
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.PROGRAMMING.TAll issues about mult 76 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.SECURITY.SSH Area automatically ad 23 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.SYS.AMIGA.GAMDiscussion of games f 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.SYS.APPLE2 Discussion about Appl 3 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.SYS.MAC.ADVOCThe Macintosh compute 16 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.SYS.RASPBERRYRaspberry Pi computer 4 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.UNIX.BSD.FREEArea automatically ad 5 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.UNIX.PROGRAMMQ&A for people progra 5 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 COMP.UNIX.SOLARIS Area automatically ad 16 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 DE.REC.FAHRRAD Passthru area added 0 6 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 DE.REC.FOTOGRAFIE Passthru area added 0 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 DE.TALK.TAGESGESCHPassthru area added 0 23 3
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 18 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 IT.DISCUSSIONI.COMit.discussioni.commer 21 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 IT.DISCUSSIONI.ENEit.discussioni.energi 2 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 IT.DISCUSSIONI.GEOit.discussioni.geomet 9 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 IT.DISCUSSIONI.MISit.discussioni.mister 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 IT.POLITICA it.politica 37 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 NYC.FORSALE 0 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 NYC.GENERAL Whats happening in Ne 0 68
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ARTS.BOOKS Books of all genres, 8 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ARTS.BOOKS.TOLThe works of J.R.R. T 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ARTS.COMICS.STDiscussion of short-f 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ARTS.DRWHO Discussion about Dr. 48 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ARTS.POEMS For the posting of po 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ARTS.SF.FANDOMDiscussions of SF fan 6 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ARTS.SF.WRITTEDiscussion of written 13 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ARTS.TV The boob tube, its hi 260 69
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.AUDIO.OPINION Everybody's two bits 3 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.AUDIO.PRO Professional audio re 10 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.AVIATION.MISC Miscellaneous topics 4 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.AVIATION.OWNINrec.aviation.owning 0 2
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.AVIATION.SOARIAll aspects of sailpl 6 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.BICYCLES.TECH Cycling product desig 23 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.BOATS Hobbyists interested 2 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.CRAFTS.METALWOrec.crafts.metalworki 24 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.FOOD.COOKING Food, cooking, cookbo 18 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.GAMBLING.POKERAnalysis and strategy 6 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.GAMES.BACKGAMMDiscussion of the gam 5 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.GAMES.CHESS.MIForum for news/discus 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.GAMES.FRP.MISCGeneral discussions o 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.GAMES.PINBALL Discussing pinball-re 2 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.GAMES.TRADING-Passthru area added 0 2 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.HUMOR Jokes and the like. M 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.MUSIC.BEATLES Postings about the Fa 11 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.MUSIC.CLASSICADiscussion about clas 8 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.MUSIC.CLASSICAClassical music perfo 210 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GElectric and acoustic 2 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GDiscussion of acousti 1 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.MUSIC.ROCK-POP1950s Rock, Pop, and 9 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.OUTDOORS.RV-TRDiscussions related t 7 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.RADIO.AMATEUR.Discussion, tips, not 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.RADIO.AMATEUR.Radio use & regulatio 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.RADIO.INFO Informational posting 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.RADIO.SHORTWAVShortwave radio enthu 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.ROLLER-COASTERRoller coasters and o 6 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.SPORT.FOOTBALLUS-style college foot 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 REC.WOODWORKING Hobbyists interested 183 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.ANTHROPOLOGY.PEvolution of man and 2 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.BIO.PALEONTOLOLife of the past (but 2 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.ELECTRONICS.REFixing electronic equ 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.ELECTRONICS.DEElectronic circuit de 21 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.LANG Natural languages, co 260 4
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.LOGIC Logic -- math, philos 95 2
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.MATH Mathematical discussi 11 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.MED.CARDIOLOGYAll aspects of cardio 0 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.MILITARY.NAVALNavies of the world, 0 1
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.PHYSICS Physical laws, proper 1 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SCI.PHYSICS.RELATIThe theory of relativ 9 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SOC.CULTURE.CANADADiscussions of Canada 0 68
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SOC.CULTURE.CHINA Area automatically ad 3 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SOC.CULTURE.GREEK Group about Greeks. 1 62
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SOC.CULTURE.ISRAELIsrael and Israelis. 2 68
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SOC.CULTURE.JEWISHJewish culture & reli 1 63
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SOC.CULTURE.POLISHArea automatically ad 27 26
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SOC.CULTURE.RUSSIAAll things Russian in 2 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 SOC.HISTORY Discussions of things 0 68
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 TALK.ORIGINS Evolution versus crea 5 0
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 TALK.POLITICS.CHINDiscussion of politic 4 3
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 TALK.POLITICS.GUNSThe politics of firea 16 68
12/22/2023 13:32 3:633/280 TALK.POLITICS.MISCArea automatically ad 5 1
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* Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)