• Hourly statistics

    From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 13:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 12:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 12:28 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 12:29 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 12:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 12:36 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 12:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 12:53 21:1/100 FSX_VIDEO Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/21/2023 12:54 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 12:56 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 12:57 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 12:58 1:229/317 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 12:58 1:229/317 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 14:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 13:01 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 13:02 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/21/2023 13:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:08 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:08 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:12 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 2 0
    12/21/2023 13:21 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 13:29 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/21/2023 13:29 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:31 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:36 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:43 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/21/2023 13:43 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:43 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:44 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/21/2023 13:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 2 0
    12/21/2023 13:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/21/2023 13:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/21/2023 13:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 13:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/21/2023 13:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/21/2023 13:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 15:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 14:01 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:03 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:05 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:36 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:39 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:39 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:40 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:42 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:44 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:45 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:46 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:46 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:46 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:48 1:218/700 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:48 1:396/45 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:49 1:320/219 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:49 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:51 3:712/848 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:51 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:52 2:292/854 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:52 3:633/280 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:52 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:53 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:57 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:58 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 14:59 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:59 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 14:59 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 16:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 15:00 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:00 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:02 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:03 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:05 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:05 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:06 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:06 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:07 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:09 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:12 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:12 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:12 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:13 1:320/219 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:13 1:218/700 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:13 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/21/2023 15:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:15 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:16 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:17 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:18 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:19 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:19 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:20 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:20 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:21 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/21/2023 15:21 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/21/2023 15:22 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:24 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/21/2023 15:24 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/21/2023 15:26 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:29 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:29 1:218/700 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:30 1:320/219 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:31 3:633/280 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:31 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:32 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:32 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:32 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:33 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:33 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:33 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:36 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:37 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:37 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:38 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:41 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:42 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:47 2:460/58 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY General discussion on 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:48 1:218/700 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY General discussion on 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:48 1:320/219 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY General discussion on 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:49 1:218/700 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY General discussion on 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:51 3:712/848 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY General discussion on 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:52 3:633/280 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY General discussion on 0 2
    12/21/2023 15:52 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:54 1:320/219 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:54 1:396/45 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:54 1:396/45 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY General discussion on 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:54 1:218/700 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 1 1
    12/21/2023 15:54 1:218/700 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY General discussion on 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:56 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/21/2023 15:57 2:292/854 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:57 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:57 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 15:58 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 17:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 16:00 3:712/848 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:00 1:396/45 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:01 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:02 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:03 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:06 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:06 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:08 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:08 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:14 3:633/280 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:21 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:21 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:21 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:21 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:21 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:21 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:22 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:22 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:24 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:24 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:24 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/21/2023 16:27 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:31 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:31 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:33 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:33 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:34 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:36 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:36 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:39 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 16:49 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 16:50 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 18:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 17:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:00 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 17:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:01 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 17:01 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/21/2023 17:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/21/2023 17:08 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 17:21 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/21/2023 17:43 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/21/2023 17:43 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:46 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:53 2:460/58 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 1 0
    12/21/2023 17:54 1:320/219 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:56 2:292/854 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/21/2023 17:57 3:712/848 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 19:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 18:01 1:396/45 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:13 1:227/114 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:14 1:320/219 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    12/21/2023 18:14 3:633/280 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:23 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:23 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:24 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:24 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:24 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:24 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:25 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/21/2023 18:25 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:25 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:25 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:26 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:28 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/21/2023 18:30 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/21/2023 18:30 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/21/2023 18:33 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/21/2023 18:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:34 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:34 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:34 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:34 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:36 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:37 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:37 1:320/219 UTF-8 UTF-8 encoded message 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:39 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:42 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/21/2023 18:54 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 18:58 618:500/14 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 20:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 19:27 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 3 0
    12/21/2023 19:27 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 2 0
    12/21/2023 19:27 618:618/1 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 3 0
    12/21/2023 19:38 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:38 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:38 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:39 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:39 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:39 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:42 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:45 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:45 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:46 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:48 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:48 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:49 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:49 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:50 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:52 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:54 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:54 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:54 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:54 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:56 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:56 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:57 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:57 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:57 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:57 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:57 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/21/2023 19:57 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:57 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/21/2023 19:57 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:57 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:57 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/21/2023 19:59 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 19:59 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 3 0
    12/21/2023 19:59 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 21:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 20:00 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:00 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:00 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:00 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/21/2023 20:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:01 46:1/100 AGN_NIX Agoranet: Linux/Unix 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:01 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:02 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:03 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:06 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/21/2023 20:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:06 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/21/2023 20:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:07 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/21/2023 20:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/21/2023 20:21 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:22 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:22 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:23 700:100/0 SN_RELIGION Spooknet: SN_RELIGION 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:24 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/21/2023 20:25 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:26 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:27 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:31 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:31 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/21/2023 20:31 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:31 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:31 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:33 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:48 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:48 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:48 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:48 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:50 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:50 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:51 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:51 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:52 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:52 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:54 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:54 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/21/2023 20:58 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 20:58 1:227/114 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 20:59 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 22:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 21:00 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:00 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 21:02 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/21/2023 21:02 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:03 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:03 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:06 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/21/2023 21:06 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:06 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:06 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:09 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:12 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/21/2023 21:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/21/2023 21:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:43 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:45 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:47 1:19/0 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 21, 2023 23:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 22:22 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/21/2023 22:23 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:23 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:24 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:27 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/21/2023 22:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/21/2023 22:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:35 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:35 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:50 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/21/2023 22:51 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 22:51 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/21/2023 22:51 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:52 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:56 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/21/2023 22:57 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:57 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:58 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 22:59 1:105/81 ALT-BBS-ADS ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup 1 0
    12/21/2023 22:59 1:105/81 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 22:59 1:105/81 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 00:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/21/2023 23:00 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:00 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/21/2023 23:02 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:03 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/21/2023 23:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:07 46:1/100 AGN_NIX Agoranet: Linux/Unix 1 0
    12/21/2023 23:11 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/21/2023 23:11 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:13 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/21/2023 23:13 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:13 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:14 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/21/2023 23:15 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:15 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:18 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/21/2023 23:22 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:37 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/21/2023 23:37 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:37 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:41 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/21/2023 23:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/21/2023 23:58 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 01:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 00:02 618:618/1 L618_SCR Micronet: League 618 16 0
    12/22/2023 00:02 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:02 1:18/200 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:02 1:18/200 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:12 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:12 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:13 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:13 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:16 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:16 1:320/219 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:16 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:16 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:18 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 1
    12/22/2023 00:18 1:18/200 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 1
    12/22/2023 00:18 1:18/200 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 1
    12/22/2023 00:19 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:19 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:25 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:28 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/22/2023 00:28 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:28 1:18/200 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:28 1:18/200 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:633/280 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 6
    12/22/2023 00:57 46:1/100 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 46:1/100 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 46:1/100 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 6
    12/22/2023 00:57 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:218/700 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:218/700 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 6
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:218/700 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:229/700 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:229/700 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:229/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 6
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:229/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:229/700 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 6
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 1:320/219 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 6
    12/22/2023 00:57 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 4 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 2:460/58 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 2:460/58 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 4:90/1 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 4:90/1 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 4:90/1 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 6
    12/22/2023 00:57 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 4 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 4:90/1 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 4:90/1 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 9
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 4 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 9
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 4 0
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 2
    12/22/2023 00:57 3:712/848 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:58 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    12/22/2023 00:58 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 2 0
    12/22/2023 00:59 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 5

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 02:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 01:00 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/22/2023 01:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 8
    12/22/2023 01:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 4
    12/22/2023 01:03 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:06 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/22/2023 01:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:07 1:218/700 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:07 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:09 3:712/848 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:10 1:320/219 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:12 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:19 1:218/700 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:19 1:320/219 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:21 3:712/848 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:29 1:15/0 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:33 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:33 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:34 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:34 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:39 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:43 2:460/58 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:44 1:218/700 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:44 3:633/280 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:45 1:320/219 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:46 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/22/2023 01:47 2:292/854 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:51 3:712/848 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:57 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 01:57 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:58 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 01:59 1:342/200 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 2 0
    12/22/2023 01:59 1:342/200 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 2 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 03:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 02:00 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 02:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:23 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/22/2023 02:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/22/2023 02:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:36 1:105/81 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:41 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:42 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:50 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:54 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:55 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 02:58 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:58 1:18/200 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 02:58 1:18/200 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 04:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 03:00 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:09 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:09 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:10 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/22/2023 03:10 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:12 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:12 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:15 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:15 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:16 46:1/100 AGN_NIX Agoranet: Linux/Unix 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:21 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:22 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:23 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:24 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:24 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:24 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:27 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:28 1:105/81 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:28 1:105/81 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:28 1:105/81 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:28 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/22/2023 03:29 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:29 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/22/2023 03:30 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:31 3:633/280 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:31 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:33 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:33 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:34 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:34 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:36 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:36 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:36 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:37 2:292/854 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:45 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:47 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:48 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:51 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:51 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:51 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:52 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:52 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:52 2:460/58 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 0
    12/22/2023 03:52 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:52 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/22/2023 03:53 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 2
    12/22/2023 03:53 1:218/700 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 0 2
    12/22/2023 03:53 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:53 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:53 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 03:54 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/22/2023 03:54 1:320/219 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 0 2
    12/22/2023 03:54 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:54 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/22/2023 03:54 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/22/2023 03:54 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 03:54 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:54 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/22/2023 03:57 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/22/2023 03:57 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/22/2023 03:57 3:712/848 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 0 2
    12/22/2023 03:57 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 03:57 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/22/2023 03:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/22/2023 03:57 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/22/2023 03:57 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 06:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 05:00 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:00 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/22/2023 05:03 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/22/2023 05:07 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:07 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:20 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:20 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:21 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/22/2023 05:21 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:21 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:29 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:40 1:320/219 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:40 1:320/219 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 8 0
    12/22/2023 05:40 1:218/700 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:40 1:218/700 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 0 8
    12/22/2023 05:41 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:45 3:712/848 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/22/2023 05:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:48 21:1/100 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 05:57 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 2 0
    12/22/2023 05:58 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/22/2023 05:58 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/22/2023 05:59 618:618/1 MIN_TEST Micronet: Testing for 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 07:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 06:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/22/2023 06:06 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:07 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:07 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:07 2:460/58 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:07 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:09 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:12 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:13 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:13 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:14 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:15 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:15 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:15 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 06:15 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:15 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:16 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/22/2023 06:16 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:17 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:17 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:18 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:18 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:18 1:396/45 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/22/2023 06:18 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 3
    12/22/2023 06:18 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 5
    12/22/2023 06:21 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 06:21 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/22/2023 06:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/22/2023 06:22 1:218/700 COOKING Do you have a recipe 15 0
    12/22/2023 06:22 1:218/700 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 15 0
    12/22/2023 06:22 1:218/700 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 15 0
    12/22/2023 06:23 2:460/58 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:24 3:712/848 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:24 3:712/848 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:25 1:320/219 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:25 1:320/219 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:25 1:320/219 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:27 2:292/854 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:27 3:712/848 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:39 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 06:44 3:633/280 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:44 3:633/280 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/22/2023 06:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 06:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 08:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 07:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:03 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:10 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:14 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:15 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 3 0
    12/22/2023 07:16 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:16 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 3
    12/22/2023 07:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:17 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 3
    12/22/2023 07:17 1:320/219 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:17 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 3
    12/22/2023 07:17 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:55 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 07:55 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 07:58 618:500/23 HOROSCOPE Today you will Areafi 2 0
    12/22/2023 07:58 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 2 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 09:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 08:00 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 2 0
    12/22/2023 08:00 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:00 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/22/2023 08:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 08:01 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 08:01 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:03 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 3 0
    12/22/2023 08:03 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 08:03 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:03 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/22/2023 08:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:32 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:32 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:33 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:36 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:36 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/22/2023 08:42 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/22/2023 08:42 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:42 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:44 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:44 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:46 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 5 0
    12/22/2023 08:46 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 5
    12/22/2023 08:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:47 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:47 2:460/58 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:47 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 5
    12/22/2023 08:47 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:48 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 5
    12/22/2023 08:49 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:51 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 5
    12/22/2023 08:51 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:52 3:633/280 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:52 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 10
    12/22/2023 08:52 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:52 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 08:54 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/22/2023 08:56 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 08:58 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 2 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 10:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 09:00 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/22/2023 09:06 1:227/114 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:08 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:08 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:10 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:11 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:15 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:15 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:17 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:17 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:17 4:90/1 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:21 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:23 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 0
    12/22/2023 09:24 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/22/2023 09:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/22/2023 09:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/22/2023 09:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/22/2023 09:33 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:33 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:34 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:35 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:36 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:42 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 09:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 09:57 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 11:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 10:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 10:12 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 5 0
    12/22/2023 10:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 10:32 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 10:32 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 10:33 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 10:35 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 2 0
    12/22/2023 10:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 10:36 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 2
    12/22/2023 10:36 1:396/45 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 2
    12/22/2023 10:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 10:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 10:37 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/22/2023 10:41 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 3 0
    12/22/2023 10:41 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 3 0
    12/22/2023 10:41 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/22/2023 10:42 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 3
    12/22/2023 10:43 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 3
    12/22/2023 10:44 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 3
    12/22/2023 10:44 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/22/2023 10:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 10:47 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/22/2023 10:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 10:48 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 3
    12/22/2023 10:48 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/22/2023 10:59 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 10:59 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 3

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 12:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 11:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 11:02 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 11:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:06 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 0
    12/22/2023 11:09 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:09 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:12 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 11:12 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:13 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:13 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:14 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:14 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:15 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:18 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:20 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/22/2023 11:20 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:30 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/22/2023 11:30 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 11:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/22/2023 11:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/22/2023 11:32 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/22/2023 11:32 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 11:38 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/22/2023 11:38 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 11:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 11:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 13:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 12:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:12 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 2 0
    12/22/2023 12:15 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:24 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:28 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:28 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/22/2023 12:30 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:31 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:31 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:34 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:35 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:35 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:36 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:38 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:39 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:41 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:42 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 12:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 12:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 12:49 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:54 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 2 0
    12/22/2023 12:57 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 12:57 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 15:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 14:00 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/22/2023 14:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 14:14 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 14:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 14:29 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 14:29 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 14:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 14:51 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 14:51 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 14:54 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 16:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 15:00 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:00 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/22/2023 15:01 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/22/2023 15:03 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:04 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:06 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:14 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:14 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:14 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:14 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:15 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:15 1:218/700 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:16 3:633/280 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:16 1:320/219 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:18 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:18 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:18 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:18 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/22/2023 15:21 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:21 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:24 1:15/0 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:25 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:31 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:32 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:33 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:33 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:33 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:36 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:36 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 1
    12/22/2023 15:36 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/22/2023 15:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:36 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:37 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:39 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:40 1:218/700 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:40 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:42 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/22/2023 15:42 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:42 3:712/848 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:42 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:42 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:42 1:320/219 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:42 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:44 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 3
    12/22/2023 15:45 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:47 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:47 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:48 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:49 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:51 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:52 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:52 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 4
    12/22/2023 15:52 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:54 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/22/2023 15:56 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/22/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:57 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/22/2023 15:58 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 17:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 16:00 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:00 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:00 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 16:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:00 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 16:00 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 16:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 16:01 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:02 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:03 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:19 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 16:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 16:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:37 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/22/2023 16:37 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:39 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:45 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 16:55 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/22/2023 16:59 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 18:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 17:00 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 17:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/22/2023 17:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/22/2023 17:31 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:32 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:33 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:33 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:33 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:43 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/22/2023 17:43 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 17:43 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:44 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:44 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:48 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:48 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 17:53 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 19:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 18:32 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 18:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:34 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:39 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:41 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/22/2023 18:44 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:45 1:218/700 MUSIC Carry on, my wayward 1 0
    12/22/2023 18:45 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:45 1:320/219 MUSIC Carry on, my wayward 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:48 1:396/45 MUSIC Carry on, my wayward 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:51 3:712/848 MUSIC Carry on, my wayward 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:53 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 18:58 618:500/14 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 20:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 19:01 21:1/100 FSX_MUSIC Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 19:02 2:460/58 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 1 0
    12/22/2023 19:06 3:712/848 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:06 1:396/45 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:23 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 2 0
    12/22/2023 19:24 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 19:24 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 19:28 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 19:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 19:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 19:50 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 19:50 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/22/2023 19:51 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:51 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:51 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:51 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:57 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/22/2023 19:57 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 19:57 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 19:57 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:57 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:58 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:58 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:58 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:58 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 19:59 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 22:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 21:09 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 21:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/22/2023 21:29 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 21:30 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/22/2023 21:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 21:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 21:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 21:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 21:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 21:38 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/22/2023 21:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 2 0
    12/22/2023 21:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 21:43 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 21:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 21:45 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 21:45 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/22/2023 21:49 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/22/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 00:00:08
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/22/2023 23:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 23:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:22 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/22/2023 23:23 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:23 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 23:23 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:24 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:27 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/22/2023 23:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 01:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 00:08 618:618/1 L618_SCR Micronet: League 618 16 0
    12/23/2023 00:08 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/23/2023 00:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 00:09 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 06:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 05:00 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 3
    12/23/2023 05:00 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 5
    12/23/2023 05:01 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 1 0
    12/23/2023 05:01 1:218/700 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:02 1:320/219 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:02 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 05:02 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 05:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/23/2023 05:06 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:06 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 2
    12/23/2023 05:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:12 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 05:12 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 1 0
    12/23/2023 05:12 1:218/700 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:14 3:633/280 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 5
    12/23/2023 05:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/23/2023 05:14 1:320/219 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 6
    12/23/2023 05:14 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/23/2023 05:14 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 6
    12/23/2023 05:14 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 1
    12/23/2023 05:14 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:15 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:15 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:15 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:18 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:18 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:21 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:23 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/23/2023 05:25 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/23/2023 05:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/23/2023 05:30 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 1 0
    12/23/2023 05:30 1:218/700 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/23/2023 05:31 3:633/280 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:31 1:320/219 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:36 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:36 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/23/2023 05:40 1:218/700 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 8 0
    12/23/2023 05:42 1:320/219 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 0 8
    12/23/2023 05:57 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 2 0
    12/23/2023 05:57 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/23/2023 05:58 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/23/2023 05:58 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 07:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 06:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/23/2023 06:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 4
    12/23/2023 06:00 21:1/100 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 4
    12/23/2023 06:00 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/23/2023 06:07 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/23/2023 06:08 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:10 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:10 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:11 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/23/2023 06:11 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:12 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:12 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:14 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:15 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:18 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/23/2023 06:19 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/23/2023 06:20 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:21 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:21 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:24 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:24 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 06:31 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 08:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 07:35 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 2
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 2
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:35 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 2
    12/23/2023 07:35 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/23/2023 07:35 2:460/58 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:35 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 2
    12/23/2023 07:35 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/23/2023 07:35 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/23/2023 07:35 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 4
    12/23/2023 07:35 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/23/2023 07:35 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 6
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 6
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 6
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/23/2023 07:35 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 2
    12/23/2023 07:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:52 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:54 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:54 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 07:57 1:218/700 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 15 0
    12/23/2023 07:58 1:218/700 COOKING Do you have a recipe 19 0
    12/23/2023 07:58 1:218/700 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 15 0
    12/23/2023 07:58 1:229/664 HOROSCOPE Today you will Areafi 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:59 1:320/219 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/23/2023 07:59 1:320/219 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/23/2023 07:59 1:320/219 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 0 15
    12/23/2023 07:59 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 1 0
    12/23/2023 07:59 2:460/58 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/23/2023 07:59 2:460/58 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 09:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 08:00 3:712/848 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/23/2023 08:00 3:712/848 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/23/2023 08:00 3:712/848 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 0 15
    12/23/2023 08:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/23/2023 08:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 08:01 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/23/2023 08:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:02 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:02 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:06 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:16 3:633/280 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/23/2023 08:16 3:633/280 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/23/2023 08:22 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:22 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:27 1:342/200 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/23/2023 08:29 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/23/2023 08:30 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:30 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 0
    12/23/2023 08:31 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/23/2023 08:32 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:32 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/23/2023 08:33 1:266/512 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 08:36 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:36 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/23/2023 08:36 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 08:51 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 3 0
    12/23/2023 08:59 618:500/23 HOROSCOPE Today you will Areafi 1 0
    12/23/2023 08:59 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 11:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 10:53 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 10:53 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 10:55 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 10:55 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 10:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 10:59 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 12:00:30
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 11:00 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 11:06 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:15 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 11:15 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:16 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/23/2023 11:16 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:16 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:18 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:21 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:27 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 11:27 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:30 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:47 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/23/2023 11:47 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 11:47 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:47 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:47 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 11:47 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 16:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 15:00 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:00 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:16 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:16 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:22 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:23 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:24 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:28 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/23/2023 15:28 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 2
    12/23/2023 15:30 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/23/2023 15:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/23/2023 15:31 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:32 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:32 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:34 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:34 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:48 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:50 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:52 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:52 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/23/2023 15:52 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 1
    12/23/2023 15:52 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:52 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:53 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:53 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:53 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:54 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:54 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:54 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:55 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:56 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/23/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:57 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:58 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 15:58 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 17:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 16:00 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:00 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/23/2023 16:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/23/2023 16:01 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:01 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:02 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:03 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:05 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:06 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:06 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/23/2023 16:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:18 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:18 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:18 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:21 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:24 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/23/2023 16:24 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:25 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:25 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:29 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:29 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:32 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:32 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:33 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:34 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:35 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:36 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:36 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:36 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:36 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:39 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:41 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:52 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/23/2023 16:53 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:53 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:54 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 16:54 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 1
    12/23/2023 16:54 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/23/2023 16:54 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/23/2023 16:57 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 18:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 17:04 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/23/2023 17:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 17:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/23/2023 17:07 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/23/2023 17:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/23/2023 17:23 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 17:23 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:25 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:30 2:460/58 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0
    12/23/2023 17:31 3:633/280 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:31 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/23/2023 17:31 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:32 1:320/219 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:32 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:33 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 17:33 1:218/700 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:34 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:36 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:36 3:712/848 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:36 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:36 1:396/45 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:36 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:43 1:218/700 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/23/2023 17:44 3:633/280 OS2 Fidonet International 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:45 1:320/219 OS2 Fidonet International 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:48 3:712/848 OS2 Fidonet International 0 1
    12/23/2023 17:49 21:1/100 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 19:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 18:10 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 23 0
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 BINKD The ubiquitous BinkD 0 4
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 6
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 MUSIC Carry on, my wayward 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 1 0
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:10 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 21 0
    12/23/2023 18:11 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:12 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:15 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:23 1:320/219 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 9 0
    12/23/2023 18:23 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/23/2023 18:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:26 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:26 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/23/2023 18:34 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:34 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:39 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 18:39 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/23/2023 18:58 618:500/14 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0
    12/23/2023 18:58 1:342/200 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 20:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 19:06 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:06 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:08 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:10 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:12 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:12 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:25 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:26 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:30 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/23/2023 19:31 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:31 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:32 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:32 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:32 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/23/2023 19:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/23/2023 19:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/23/2023 19:43 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 3 0
    12/23/2023 19:47 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/23/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:50 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:51 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:51 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:51 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:52 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:52 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:52 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:52 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:52 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:54 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:54 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:54 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:57 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:57 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:58 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:58 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:59 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/23/2023 19:59 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:59 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 19:59 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 20:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 21:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 20:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:00 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:00 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/23/2023 20:01 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 20:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 20:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:03 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:03 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/23/2023 20:06 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/23/2023 20:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/23/2023 20:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/23/2023 20:09 1:227/114 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 20:16 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/23/2023 20:16 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/23/2023 20:16 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:17 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:19 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:19 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:19 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:21 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:21 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:21 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/23/2023 20:37 1:153/7715 SURVIVOR Cancer/Leukemia/blood 1 0
    12/23/2023 20:38 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/23/2023 20:53 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/23/2023 20:53 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 22:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 21:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 21:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:43 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/23/2023 21:44 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:45 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:45 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:47 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:51 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:56 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 21:56 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 23, 2023 23:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 22:00 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:17 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/23/2023 22:17 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:18 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/23/2023 22:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:25 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/23/2023 22:26 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:26 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:26 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 22:28 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:29 1:105/81 ALT-BBS-ADS ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup 1 0
    12/23/2023 22:29 1:105/81 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 22:29 1:105/81 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/23/2023 22:30 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:30 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:30 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:40 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:52 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 22:53 1:2320/105 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 00:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/23/2023 23:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/23/2023 23:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:30 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/23/2023 23:30 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/23/2023 23:30 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:31 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:31 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/23/2023 23:31 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/23/2023 23:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:36 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/23/2023 23:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 01:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 00:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:09 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:09 618:618/1 L618_SCR Micronet: League 618 16 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:633/280 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 46:1/100 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 46:1/100 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 46:1/100 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 46:1/100 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:218/700 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:218/700 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:218/700 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 3
    12/24/2023 00:42 1:320/219 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 2:460/58 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 4
    12/24/2023 00:42 2:460/58 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:712/848 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 2
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 5
    12/24/2023 00:42 3:712/848 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:53 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 00:53 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 00:57 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 6 0
    12/24/2023 00:58 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 6 0
    12/24/2023 00:58 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 02:00:28
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 01:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/24/2023 01:01 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/24/2023 01:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 01:04 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 01:04 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:06 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/24/2023 01:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:07 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:07 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:09 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:09 1:320/219 Z1C ZC1 general chat echo 1 0
    12/24/2023 01:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:23 700:100/0 SN_RELIGION Spooknet: SN_RELIGION 1 0
    12/24/2023 01:25 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 01:25 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:26 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 01:57 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 01:58 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 03:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 02:00 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:03 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:03 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 02:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:07 1:342/200 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:07 1:342/200 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:07 1:342/200 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:16 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:37 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:37 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:37 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:38 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:38 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:38 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:39 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:39 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:42 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:42 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:42 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:42 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:48 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:48 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 02:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:54 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:54 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/24/2023 02:59 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 2 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 06:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 05:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:05 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 2 1
    12/24/2023 05:05 2:460/58 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 05:07 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 05:12 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:21 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 05:23 700:100/0 SN_RELIGION Spooknet: SN_RELIGION 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:27 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 05:28 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 05:57 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 2 0
    12/24/2023 05:58 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/24/2023 05:59 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/24/2023 05:59 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 07:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 06:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/24/2023 06:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 4
    12/24/2023 06:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/24/2023 06:00 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:00 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 4
    12/24/2023 06:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 06:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 06:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:07 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/24/2023 06:08 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:08 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:09 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:10 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 06:10 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:12 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:12 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:14 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:20 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:20 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:20 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/24/2023 06:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 06:32 1:218/700 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 8 0
    12/24/2023 06:32 1:320/219 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 0 8
    12/24/2023 06:36 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 06:36 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 06:41 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:42 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:42 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 06:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 06:58 1:18/200 COOKING Do you have a recipe 15 0
    12/24/2023 06:58 1:18/200 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 15 0
    12/24/2023 06:58 1:18/200 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 15 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 08:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 07:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:08 1:320/219 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/24/2023 07:16 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:17 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:26 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/24/2023 07:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 07:28 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 07:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 07:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 07:32 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:33 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:50 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:50 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/24/2023 07:51 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:51 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:51 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:52 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:52 1:218/700 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:52 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:53 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:53 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 07:57 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 07:58 1:229/664 HOROSCOPE Today you will Areafi 2 0
    12/24/2023 07:59 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:59 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:59 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 07:59 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 09:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 08:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:00 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:01 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:03 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 5 0
    12/24/2023 08:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:06 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:16 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:16 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:16 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/24/2023 08:17 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 08:17 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:17 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:18 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:18 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:21 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:21 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:21 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/24/2023 08:21 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/24/2023 08:23 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 08:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 08:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 08:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 08:34 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:35 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:42 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:53 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:53 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 1
    12/24/2023 08:53 2:460/58 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 08:55 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 08:55 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 08:57 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 08:57 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 10:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 09:00 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:08 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:08 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:09 1:227/114 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 09:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:19 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:28 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:28 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 0
    12/24/2023 09:30 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:30 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 09:30 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:30 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 09:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:31 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 09:32 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:32 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:32 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:32 4:90/1 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:33 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:33 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:33 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 09:37 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:41 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:42 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 4 0
    12/24/2023 09:43 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 09:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 09:57 618:618/1 MIN_CHAT Micronet: Chat 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 11:01:42
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 10:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:20 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:22 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:25 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/24/2023 10:25 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:29 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:29 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:30 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:30 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:30 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:30 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:30 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:31 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:31 4:90/1 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:32 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:39 1:218/700 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 8 0
    12/24/2023 10:40 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/24/2023 10:41 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:42 1:320/219 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 0 8
    12/24/2023 10:42 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:42 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:42 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:44 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:45 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:45 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:47 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 10:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:54 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 10:54 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 10:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 12:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 11:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 11:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 11:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:20 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 11:21 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:23 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 11:25 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:30 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:35 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 11:35 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:36 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:43 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 11:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:48 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 11:48 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:49 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:52 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:53 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:54 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 11:58 1:229/664 ECHO_ADS Advertise FidoNet Ech 1 0
    12/24/2023 11:59 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 12:00 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 13:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 12:00 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:01 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 12:01 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:01 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:05 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 12:06 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/24/2023 12:08 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 12:08 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:09 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:11 618:618/1 MIN_CHAT Micronet: Chat 1 0
    12/24/2023 12:11 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:12 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/24/2023 12:15 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 12:15 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:16 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:16 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:17 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:21 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:22 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 12:24 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:25 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 12:45 1:15/0 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 2 0
    12/24/2023 12:45 1:15/0 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 12:57 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 12:58 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 14:00:36
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 13:02 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/24/2023 13:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:07 21:1/100 FSX_MUSIC Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:07 2:460/58 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:07 2:460/58 FSX_MUSIC Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:11 1:396/45 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:12 2:292/854 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:12 3:712/848 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:29 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:30 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:30 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:32 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:32 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:33 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:36 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:39 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:39 4:90/1 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:51 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 3 0
    12/24/2023 13:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:56 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 13:56 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:56 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 13:59 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:00 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 15:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 14:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 14:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:02 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 14:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/24/2023 14:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:08 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/24/2023 14:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:27 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:27 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:28 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:34 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:37 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 14:41 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:42 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:42 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:43 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:44 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:45 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:46 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:48 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:48 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:49 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:51 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:52 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:52 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 14:52 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:54 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:54 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/24/2023 14:58 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 16:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 15:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/24/2023 15:18 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 15:21 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:21 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:22 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:24 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:24 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 15:29 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 15:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 15:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:31 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:32 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:48 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 4 0
    12/24/2023 15:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 15:52 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:53 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:54 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:55 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:56 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/24/2023 15:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:57 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:57 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:58 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/24/2023 15:58 618:618/1 MIN_CHAT Micronet: Chat 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 17:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 16:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:01 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:01 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 16:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:07 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:08 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:09 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:13 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:20 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:20 4:900/102 ALT.BBS.ADS 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:21 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:21 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:22 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:24 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:24 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:24 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 16:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:31 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:32 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:32 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:33 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:36 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:36 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 16:42 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:42 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 16:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 18:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 17:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 2 0
    12/24/2023 17:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 2 2
    12/24/2023 17:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:22 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 17:23 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:25 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:29 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 17:29 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:30 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 17:34 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 17:34 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:34 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/24/2023 17:35 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 17:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 17:52 618:500/23 MIN_CHAT Micronet: Chat 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 19:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 18:06 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:06 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 1
    12/24/2023 18:07 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:12 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:12 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:18 2:292/854 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:19 1:320/219 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    12/24/2023 18:26 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:26 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/24/2023 18:26 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/24/2023 18:28 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:28 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/24/2023 18:29 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/24/2023 18:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/24/2023 18:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 18:31 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:31 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 18:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 18:31 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:31 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:32 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:32 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:32 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:34 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:35 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:35 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:36 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:36 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/24/2023 18:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:36 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:36 1:396/45 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:36 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/24/2023 18:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 18:36 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 18:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/24/2023 18:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:42 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/24/2023 18:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 18:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 18:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 20:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 19:00 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 19:09 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:16 618:618/1 MIN_CHAT Micronet: Chat 3 0
    12/24/2023 19:33 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/24/2023 19:33 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:34 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:36 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:36 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 19:36 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:37 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:39 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:42 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 19:44 3:633/280 FIDONEWS Supposed to be for di 7 0
    12/24/2023 19:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:44 1:320/219 FIDONEWS Supposed to be for di 7 7
    12/24/2023 19:44 1:320/219 FNEWS_PUBLISH I think its just the 7 0
    12/24/2023 19:44 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:44 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:44 1:218/700 FIDONEWS Supposed to be for di 7 14
    12/24/2023 19:44 1:218/700 FNEWS_PUBLISH I think its just the 7 7
    12/24/2023 19:44 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:44 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:47 2:292/854 FIDONEWS Supposed to be for di 0 7
    12/24/2023 19:48 1:396/45 FIDONEWS Supposed to be for di 0 7
    12/24/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/24/2023 19:50 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:50 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:51 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:51 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/24/2023 19:51 3:712/848 FIDONEWS Supposed to be for di 0 7
    12/24/2023 19:59 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 21:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 20:00 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/24/2023 20:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 20:00 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/24/2023 20:00 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 20:00 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 2 0
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:00 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 2
    12/24/2023 20:03 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 20:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:03 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/24/2023 20:03 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/24/2023 20:06 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/24/2023 20:06 1:396/45 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/24/2023 20:06 1:396/45 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:06 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 3
    12/24/2023 20:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/24/2023 20:31 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/24/2023 20:31 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:37 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/24/2023 20:38 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/24/2023 20:39 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 22:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 21:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 21:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 21:05 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:05 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/24/2023 21:09 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:09 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:12 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:16 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:22 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 21:22 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 0
    12/24/2023 21:22 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/24/2023 21:22 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 2
    12/24/2023 21:22 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:22 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 21:23 1:218/700 POINTS Point usage discussio 1 0
    12/24/2023 21:24 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:24 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/24/2023 21:24 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 21:27 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 21:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 21:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 21:29 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/24/2023 21:29 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:29 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:31 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/24/2023 21:32 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:33 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 21:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:42 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:45 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/24/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sunday, December 24, 2023 23:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 22:55 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:55 2:460/58 LINUX Worshipping Linus Tor 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:55 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:56 1:218/700 LINUX Worshipping Linus Tor 0 1
    12/24/2023 22:57 1:320/219 LINUX Worshipping Linus Tor 0 1
    12/24/2023 22:57 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:57 1:105/81 ALT-BBS-ADS ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:57 1:105/81 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:57 1:105/81 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:59 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 22:59 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:59 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/24/2023 22:59 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 00:00:08
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/24/2023 23:00 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:00 3:712/848 LINUX Worshipping Linus Tor 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:02 2:292/854 LINUX Worshipping Linus Tor 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:04 1:396/45 LINUX Worshipping Linus Tor 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/24/2023 23:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:06 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:14 3:633/280 LINUX Worshipping Linus Tor 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:16 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 23:27 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/24/2023 23:29 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/24/2023 23:34 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/24/2023 23:39 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/24/2023 23:52 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/24/2023 23:58 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/24/2023 23:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/24/2023 23:59 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 01:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 00:02 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:06 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:06 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:06 618:618/1 L618_SCR Micronet: League 618 16 0
    12/25/2023 00:10 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:10 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:12 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:12 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:12 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:12 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/25/2023 00:12 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 2:460/58 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/25/2023 00:46 3:712/848 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 3
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:396/45 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 4
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 4
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 4
    12/25/2023 00:46 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:218/700 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:218/700 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:218/700 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 5
    12/25/2023 00:46 1:218/700 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/25/2023 00:49 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:50 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:51 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:52 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:52 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 00:53 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:54 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:57 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 00:57 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 6 0
    12/25/2023 00:57 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 6 0
    12/25/2023 00:58 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 02:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 01:02 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/25/2023 01:03 1:396/45 POINTS Point usage discussio 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:06 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/25/2023 01:10 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:15 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:15 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:22 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 0
    12/25/2023 01:25 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/25/2023 01:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/25/2023 01:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/25/2023 01:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:29 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:30 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/25/2023 01:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/25/2023 01:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:31 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/25/2023 01:31 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:31 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:31 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/25/2023 01:31 4:90/1 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:32 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:32 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:37 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:37 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:39 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:41 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:41 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:42 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/25/2023 01:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/25/2023 01:48 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:51 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 01:59 1:342/200 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 01:59 1:342/200 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 03:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 02:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/25/2023 02:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:03 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:06 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:28 1:396/45 POINTS Point usage discussio 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:30 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:30 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:31 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:36 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:38 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:38 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:52 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:52 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 02:54 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:54 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:56 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 02:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 04:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 03:01 618:500/27 MIN_CHAT Micronet: Chat 2 0
    12/25/2023 03:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:11 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:15 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:15 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:19 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:19 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/25/2023 03:20 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:20 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:21 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:21 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:24 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:24 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:42 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:46 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:47 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:47 2:460/58 POINTS Point usage discussio 1 0
    12/25/2023 03:47 1:218/700 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:48 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:48 1:320/219 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:52 3:633/280 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:52 2:292/854 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:54 3:712/848 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:54 1:396/45 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 03:58 618:618/1 MIN_CHAT Micronet: Chat 2 0
    12/25/2023 03:59 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/25/2023 03:59 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 06:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 05:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/25/2023 05:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 2
    12/25/2023 05:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/25/2023 05:16 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:17 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/25/2023 05:17 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:17 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:17 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:18 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:21 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/25/2023 05:21 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:21 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:34 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:36 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:36 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:42 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:44 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:51 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:51 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:52 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:54 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 05:58 1:229/317 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:58 1:229/317 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:58 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:58 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 05:58 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 2 0
    12/25/2023 05:58 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/25/2023 05:59 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 07:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 06:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/25/2023 06:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/25/2023 06:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:04 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/25/2023 06:05 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:07 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:08 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:08 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:08 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/25/2023 06:09 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:09 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:09 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:12 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:14 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:26 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:50 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:50 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:51 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 06:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 06:58 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 08:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 07:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:06 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:17 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:23 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:26 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/25/2023 07:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:32 1:218/700 COOKING Do you have a recipe 19 0
    12/25/2023 07:32 1:218/700 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 15 0
    12/25/2023 07:32 1:218/700 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 15 0
    12/25/2023 07:33 2:460/58 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/25/2023 07:34 1:320/219 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/25/2023 07:34 1:320/219 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/25/2023 07:36 3:712/848 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/25/2023 07:36 3:712/848 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/25/2023 07:36 3:712/848 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 0 15
    12/25/2023 07:37 2:292/854 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/25/2023 07:37 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:38 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:38 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:40 1:218/700 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 7 0
    12/25/2023 07:40 1:320/219 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 0 7
    12/25/2023 07:41 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:43 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 2 0
    12/25/2023 07:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/25/2023 07:48 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/25/2023 07:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/25/2023 07:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:52 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:52 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:53 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 07:53 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:53 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 3
    12/25/2023 07:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/25/2023 07:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 07:58 1:229/664 HOROSCOPE Today you will Areafi 2 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 09:01:42
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 08:01 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:02 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:03 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 5 0
    12/25/2023 08:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:06 2:460/58 POINTS Point usage discussio 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:07 1:218/700 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:08 1:320/219 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:11 1:396/45 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:12 2:292/854 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:12 3:712/848 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:16 3:633/280 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:16 3:633/280 POINTS Point usage discussio 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:16 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:21 3:712/848 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:23 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:25 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:27 3:712/848 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/25/2023 08:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:35 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 08:36 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:50 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 08:50 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 10:00:22
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:633/280 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:633/280 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:320/219 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:396/45 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:396/45 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:396/45 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 2:460/58 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 3
    12/25/2023 09:34 2:460/58 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 25:25/0 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 25:25/0 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 25:25/0 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 25:25/0 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 25:25/0 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 3
    12/25/2023 09:34 25:25/0 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:218/700 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 4
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:218/700 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:218/700 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 1:218/700 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:712/848 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 5
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:712/848 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:712/848 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 3:712/848 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 5
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:34 21:1/100 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:36 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:44 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 2 0
    12/25/2023 09:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:50 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 09:50 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:50 4:90/1 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 09:54 1:218/700 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 8 0
    12/25/2023 09:55 1:320/219 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 0 8

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 12:00:14
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 11:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:05 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 0
    12/25/2023 11:05 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 2
    12/25/2023 11:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:06 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 2
    12/25/2023 11:14 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 3
    12/25/2023 11:14 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 11:15 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:16 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:16 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:17 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:17 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:18 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 3 0
    12/25/2023 11:18 2:460/58 COOKING Do you have a recipe 3 0
    12/25/2023 11:18 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:18 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:19 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:19 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:19 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/25/2023 11:21 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/25/2023 11:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:22 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/25/2023 11:22 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:23 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:23 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:23 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:23 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/25/2023 11:23 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:25 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:27 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:27 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:31 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 0
    12/25/2023 11:32 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 2
    12/25/2023 11:36 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 2
    12/25/2023 11:44 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 2
    12/25/2023 11:47 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:47 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:48 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:51 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:51 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:52 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:52 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 11:53 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 11:55 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 13:00:46
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 12:01 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:05 1:218/700 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/25/2023 12:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 12:06 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 0
    12/25/2023 12:06 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:07 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 3
    12/25/2023 12:08 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 12:11 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:12 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 3
    12/25/2023 12:14 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 4
    12/25/2023 12:19 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:21 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 12:21 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 12:24 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/25/2023 12:25 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 4 2
    12/25/2023 12:25 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 6
    12/25/2023 12:26 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 6
    12/25/2023 12:28 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/25/2023 12:28 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 6
    12/25/2023 12:29 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 6
    12/25/2023 12:31 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/25/2023 12:31 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:41 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:56 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 12:56 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 12:58 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 14:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 13:02 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 13:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/25/2023 13:02 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 13:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/25/2023 13:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/25/2023 13:29 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/25/2023 13:29 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 13:30 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 13:36 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 13:39 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/25/2023 13:57 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 13:57 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 13:57 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 15:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 14:00 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:02 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:03 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 14:03 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 1
    12/25/2023 14:03 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 2
    12/25/2023 14:06 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:06 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/25/2023 14:06 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 14:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:07 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:07 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 14:07 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/25/2023 14:07 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:07 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:08 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:08 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:09 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:09 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:10 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 14:10 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:10 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:12 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:12 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/25/2023 14:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/25/2023 14:14 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 14:15 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:16 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:16 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/25/2023 14:17 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:18 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:21 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:22 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:29 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/25/2023 14:29 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:30 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 14:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 16:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 15:00 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:04 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:13 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:23 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:23 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/25/2023 15:23 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:24 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:24 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:25 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:25 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/25/2023 15:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/25/2023 15:27 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/25/2023 15:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:31 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:32 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:40 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:40 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:42 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:45 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:50 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:55 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:56 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:57 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:58 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 15:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 15:59 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 17:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 16:00 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/25/2023 16:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:01 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/25/2023 16:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:02 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/25/2023 16:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:06 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/25/2023 16:06 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:08 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:08 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:14 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/25/2023 16:21 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:28 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:29 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:29 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:30 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/25/2023 16:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:30 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:30 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:30 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/25/2023 16:31 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/25/2023 16:31 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:32 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:32 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/25/2023 16:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:36 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:36 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:36 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/25/2023 16:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:45 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:46 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 1 0
    12/25/2023 16:46 1:218/700 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:46 1:320/219 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:48 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:51 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 16:52 3:633/280 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 18:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 17:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 17:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/25/2023 17:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:07 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:15 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 17:16 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:17 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:18 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:18 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 1 0
    12/25/2023 17:18 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:18 1:218/700 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:21 3:633/280 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:21 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:21 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:21 1:320/219 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:22 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:24 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:52 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 17:52 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:53 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 17:59 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 19:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 18:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:10 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:10 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:11 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:12 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:13 1:320/219 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    12/25/2023 18:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/25/2023 18:15 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:16 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:16 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 1
    12/25/2023 18:16 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:16 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:18 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:21 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/25/2023 18:29 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:29 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:30 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/25/2023 18:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:30 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:30 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/25/2023 18:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:31 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:33 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:33 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:34 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:34 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/25/2023 18:39 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:41 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:42 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:48 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/25/2023 18:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/25/2023 18:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:52 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 18:58 618:500/14 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0
    12/25/2023 18:59 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 20:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 19:21 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 19:23 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:24 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:27 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:27 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/25/2023 19:31 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:36 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 19:36 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:37 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:42 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:44 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:44 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 19:44 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:45 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 19:46 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/25/2023 19:49 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 19:49 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/25/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 1
    12/25/2023 19:51 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/25/2023 19:54 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 19:54 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/25/2023 19:55 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 21:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 20:00 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 20:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/25/2023 20:02 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 20:03 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:03 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:09 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:09 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:12 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 20:12 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:13 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/25/2023 20:18 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:18 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:20 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:45 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 0
    12/25/2023 20:45 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/25/2023 20:46 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/25/2023 20:48 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/25/2023 20:51 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 20:51 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 20:51 2:460/58 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 20:51 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/25/2023 20:51 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:52 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/25/2023 20:53 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 20:56 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/25/2023 20:58 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 22:01:30
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 21:00 1:229/428 ALT-BBS-ADS ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:00 1:229/428 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:00 1:229/428 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:00 3:712/848 ALT-BBS-ADS ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:00 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:00 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:00 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/25/2023 21:04 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/25/2023 21:15 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:19 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:21 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:22 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:24 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:24 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:35 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:42 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 21:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/25/2023 21:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/25/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Monday, December 25, 2023 23:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 22:20 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/25/2023 22:20 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 22:21 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 22:21 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 22:24 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 22:24 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 22:25 1:105/81 ALT-BBS-ADS ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup 1 0
    12/25/2023 22:25 1:105/81 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 22:25 1:105/81 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/25/2023 22:27 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/25/2023 22:38 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 22:38 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 22:42 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 22:52 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 00:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/25/2023 23:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/25/2023 23:06 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 23:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 23:18 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/25/2023 23:18 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/25/2023 23:18 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 23:19 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 0
    12/25/2023 23:19 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 2 1
    12/25/2023 23:19 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/25/2023 23:21 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/25/2023 23:22 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/25/2023 23:22 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/25/2023 23:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/25/2023 23:24 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/25/2023 23:24 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/25/2023 23:27 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/25/2023 23:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/25/2023 23:32 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/25/2023 23:34 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/25/2023 23:52 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 5 0
    12/25/2023 23:54 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 5
    12/25/2023 23:57 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 23:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/25/2023 23:57 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 5
    12/25/2023 23:58 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 03:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 02:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 02:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 02:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:16 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 02:54 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 02:54 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/26/2023 02:54 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 02:56 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:56 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:56 1:320/219 PDNECHO Public Domain files e 1 0
    12/26/2023 02:57 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:57 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:57 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 02:57 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 02:58 2:460/58 PDNECHO Public Domain files e 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 04:00:34
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 03:00 3:712/848 PDNECHO Public Domain files e 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:02 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:06 1:396/45 PDNECHO Public Domain files e 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:06 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:08 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:11 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:12 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:15 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:20 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:20 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:20 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:21 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:21 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:25 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:28 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:29 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/26/2023 03:29 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 03:34 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 2 0
    12/26/2023 03:34 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 2 0
    12/26/2023 03:34 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/26/2023 03:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/26/2023 03:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:47 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 03:51 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 04:00 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 06:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 05:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 2
    12/26/2023 05:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 05:07 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:12 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:21 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 05:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:25 1:266/512 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:25 1:266/512 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 2 0
    12/26/2023 05:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:31 3:633/280 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 2
    12/26/2023 05:31 1:320/219 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 2
    12/26/2023 05:35 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:36 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 05:36 3:712/848 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 2
    12/26/2023 05:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/26/2023 05:59 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 2 0
    12/26/2023 06:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 07:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 06:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/26/2023 06:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:10 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/26/2023 06:14 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:21 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 06:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:26 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:29 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 06:31 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:36 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 06:36 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/26/2023 06:36 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 06:36 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/26/2023 06:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 06:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:37 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:44 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:57 3:712/848 COOKING Do you have a recipe 16 0
    12/26/2023 06:57 3:712/848 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 15 0
    12/26/2023 06:57 3:712/848 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 15 0
    12/26/2023 06:57 1:320/219 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 16
    12/26/2023 06:57 1:320/219 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/26/2023 06:57 1:320/219 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 0 14
    12/26/2023 06:58 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 06:58 2:460/58 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 16

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 08:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 07:01 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:01 2:292/854 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 16
    12/26/2023 07:01 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 07:07 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:18 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 07:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:24 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/26/2023 07:25 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 4 0
    12/26/2023 07:25 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/26/2023 07:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/26/2023 07:27 3:712/848 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 4
    12/26/2023 07:29 21:1/100 FSX_RETRO Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:29 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:30 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/26/2023 07:30 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/26/2023 07:31 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/26/2023 07:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/26/2023 07:32 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/26/2023 07:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:40 21:1/100 FSX_VIDEO Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:42 1:320/219 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 6 0
    12/26/2023 07:51 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:51 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 07:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 07:54 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:54 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/26/2023 07:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 07:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 07:58 618:500/23 HOROSCOPE Today you will Areafi 2 0
    12/26/2023 07:58 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 2 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 09:00:34
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 08:04 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 2 0
    12/26/2023 08:16 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 08:17 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 08:17 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 08:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 08:38 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/26/2023 08:38 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 1
    12/26/2023 08:39 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 08:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 08:42 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 08:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 08:51 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 10:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 09:06 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 09:08 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 09:08 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 09:12 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 09:12 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 09:12 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 2 0
    12/26/2023 09:12 4:90/1 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 2 0
    12/26/2023 09:33 1:320/219 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 1 0
    12/26/2023 09:36 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/26/2023 09:44 3:633/280 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/26/2023 09:44 25:25/0 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/26/2023 09:44 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/26/2023 09:52 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 09:54 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 3 0
    12/26/2023 09:55 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 09:59 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 11:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 10:02 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:03 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/26/2023 10:04 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:06 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:06 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/26/2023 10:13 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:16 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:47 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:48 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:49 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:50 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/26/2023 10:52 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:52 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/26/2023 10:54 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:54 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/26/2023 10:54 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:56 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 10:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 10:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 12:00:34
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 11:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:02 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 11:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 11:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 11:03 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/26/2023 11:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:05 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:05 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:06 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:06 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:07 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:07 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 11:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:09 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:09 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:20 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 11:21 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:23 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:23 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 11:24 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:24 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:24 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 11:32 1:320/219 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/26/2023 11:33 618:618/1 L618_SCR Micronet: League 618 16 0
    12/26/2023 11:33 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    12/26/2023 11:57 4:90/1 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 13:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 12:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:02 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:12 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 4
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 4
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 14
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 16
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 0 2
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 4
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 8
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 2
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 0 6
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 PDNECHO Public Domain files e 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 5
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 0 15
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 8
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 11
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/26/2023 12:15 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 20
    12/26/2023 12:15 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:21 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:25 1:15/0 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:29 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:30 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:40 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:47 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:52 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:57 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:58 1:229/317 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:58 1:229/317 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:59 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 12:59 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 12:59 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 14:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 13:00 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 13:03 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:03 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:05 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/26/2023 13:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:06 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:08 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:29 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/26/2023 13:29 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/26/2023 13:29 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:29 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:30 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:36 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:36 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:40 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 13:48 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:49 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 13:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/26/2023 13:58 618:618/1 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 7 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 15:00:42
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 14:00 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 3 0
    12/26/2023 14:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:00 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/26/2023 14:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:03 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 0
    12/26/2023 14:03 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 2 2
    12/26/2023 14:03 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 2
    12/26/2023 14:03 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 0
    12/26/2023 14:03 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 3
    12/26/2023 14:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 5
    12/26/2023 14:04 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 3
    12/26/2023 14:04 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/26/2023 14:05 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 0
    12/26/2023 14:05 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/26/2023 14:05 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:05 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 2 3
    12/26/2023 14:05 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 3
    12/26/2023 14:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 4
    12/26/2023 14:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 4
    12/26/2023 14:06 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:07 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:07 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:07 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:07 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/26/2023 14:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 9
    12/26/2023 14:07 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/26/2023 14:07 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:08 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:08 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:09 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/26/2023 14:09 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:21 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 7
    12/26/2023 14:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:32 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:32 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:32 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:32 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:35 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:36 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:37 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:37 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:39 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:40 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:54 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:54 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:56 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 14:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 14:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 16:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 15:01 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:01 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 3
    12/26/2023 15:05 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 1
    12/26/2023 15:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:06 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/26/2023 15:09 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/26/2023 15:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/26/2023 15:19 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:24 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:25 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:27 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:27 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:29 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:31 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:36 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:40 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 14 0
    12/26/2023 15:40 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 14
    12/26/2023 15:41 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:42 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 14
    12/26/2023 15:43 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 14
    12/26/2023 15:43 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:44 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 15
    12/26/2023 15:45 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 14
    12/26/2023 15:45 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:46 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:46 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:47 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 14
    12/26/2023 15:48 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:56 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:57 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:57 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:58 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:58 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 15:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 15:59 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 17:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 16:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/26/2023 16:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/26/2023 16:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:04 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:06 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:20 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:20 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:27 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:28 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:30 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:32 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:32 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:36 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:41 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:41 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:44 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:45 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:45 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 16:58 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:59 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 16:59 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 18:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 17:00 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 17:01 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:01 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 17:04 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:06 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:17 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 17:23 700:100/0 SN_INTEL Spooknet: SN_INTEL 1 0
    12/26/2023 17:23 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 0
    12/26/2023 17:24 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 17:24 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 17:27 21:1/100 FSX_RETRO Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 17:27 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 17:30 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 17:31 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 17:51 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/26/2023 17:51 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 17:58 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/26/2023 17:58 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 17:58 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 17:58 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 19:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 18:00 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:00 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:04 1:218/700 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:04 1:3634/12 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:06 3:712/848 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:06 1:396/45 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:07 1:320/219 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:11 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:11 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:12 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:14 3:633/280 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:15 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:18 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:21 2:292/854 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:23 1:320/219 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 6 0
    12/26/2023 18:24 4:90/1 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:29 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:29 21:1/100 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:29 21:1/100 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:29 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/26/2023 18:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/26/2023 18:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/26/2023 18:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:33 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:33 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:34 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:34 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:34 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/26/2023 18:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/26/2023 18:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/26/2023 18:41 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/26/2023 18:42 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:42 25:25/0 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 18:42 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:46 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:58 618:500/14 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0
    12/26/2023 18:59 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 20:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 19:02 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 3 0
    12/26/2023 19:02 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/26/2023 19:03 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/26/2023 19:06 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/26/2023 19:06 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/26/2023 19:09 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/26/2023 19:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/26/2023 19:29 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:36 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:36 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:37 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:37 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:39 21:1/100 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:40 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:40 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:42 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:42 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:49 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:49 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:50 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:51 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:52 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:52 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/26/2023 19:52 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:53 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:54 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:54 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:54 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:54 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/26/2023 19:54 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:54 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/26/2023 19:54 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:56 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:56 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 19:58 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/26/2023 19:59 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 21:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 20:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 20:01 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 20:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/26/2023 20:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:16 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 20:17 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:17 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:19 1:19/0 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:21 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:21 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:22 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/26/2023 20:28 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 20:38 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 20:52 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 20:57 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 20:58 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 22:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 21:01 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 21:02 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/26/2023 21:03 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 21:06 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/26/2023 21:07 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/26/2023 21:08 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 21:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/26/2023 21:26 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/26/2023 21:30 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:30 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:31 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:32 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 21:42 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:45 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:45 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 23:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 22:09 2:460/58 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 1 0
    12/26/2023 22:12 3:712/848 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:12 2:292/854 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:12 1:396/45 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:34 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/26/2023 22:34 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 1
    12/26/2023 22:35 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:36 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/26/2023 22:39 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 22:39 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:44 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:44 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:44 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:47 1:105/81 ALT-BBS-ADS ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup 1 0
    12/26/2023 22:47 1:105/81 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 22:47 1:105/81 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/26/2023 22:52 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:52 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:54 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 22:54 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 00:01:18
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/26/2023 23:00 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 0
    12/26/2023 23:03 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 23:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 23:06 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:09 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 23:22 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/26/2023 23:23 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:25 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 23:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:30 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:30 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:30 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 23:37 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/26/2023 23:37 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:39 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:42 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 23:42 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/26/2023 23:42 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/26/2023 23:43 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:43 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/26/2023 23:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:45 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/26/2023 23:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 01:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 00:07 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:09 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:09 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:11 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:11 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:12 1:320/219 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:12 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:12 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:12 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:633/280 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/27/2023 00:41 46:1/100 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 46:1/100 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 46:1/100 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 46:1/100 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 46:1/100 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/27/2023 00:41 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:218/700 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:218/700 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 3
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:218/700 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 4
    12/27/2023 00:41 1:320/219 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 5
    12/27/2023 00:41 2:460/58 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 6
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 21:1/100 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 21:1/100 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 21:1/100 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 21:1/100 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 21:1/100 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 6
    12/27/2023 00:41 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 21:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 7
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:41 3:712/848 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 00:57 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 5 0
    12/27/2023 00:57 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 6 0
    12/27/2023 00:58 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 00:58 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 02:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 01:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 01:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 01:05 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 01:14 1:15/0 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 0
    12/27/2023 01:17 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 01:17 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:36 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 01:38 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 01:38 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:42 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 01:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/27/2023 01:48 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 01:48 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:48 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:49 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:51 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:52 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:53 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:53 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:54 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 01:54 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:55 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:57 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 01:59 1:342/200 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 01:59 1:342/200 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/27/2023 01:59 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 01:59 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 03:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 02:00 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:00 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 02:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 02:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/27/2023 02:03 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:03 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:08 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:08 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:08 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/27/2023 02:08 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:08 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/27/2023 02:08 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/27/2023 02:18 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:19 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 02:20 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/27/2023 02:20 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:21 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:21 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:21 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/27/2023 02:21 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 02:22 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:22 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:23 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:23 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:23 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:23 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/27/2023 02:23 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:24 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:24 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:24 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:27 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:34 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 02:34 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:42 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 02:42 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 1
    12/27/2023 02:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:44 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:45 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 02:48 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/27/2023 02:48 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/27/2023 02:51 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 04:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 03:10 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 03:12 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:12 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:12 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/27/2023 03:12 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/27/2023 03:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:15 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:15 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 03:17 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:19 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 03:19 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/27/2023 03:21 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:21 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/27/2023 03:25 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 03:25 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:26 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:29 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:34 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 03:35 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:39 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:40 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 03:40 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:41 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:42 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:44 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:53 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 03:53 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 03:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 06:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 05:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 05:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/27/2023 05:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:07 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:18 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 05:21 1:218/700 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 1 0
    12/27/2023 05:23 1:320/219 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:24 3:712/848 ENGLISH_TUTOR English Tutoring for 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:27 2:292/854 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 1 0
    12/27/2023 05:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:33 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 05:33 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 05:38 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:39 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:42 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 05:54 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 6 0
    12/27/2023 05:54 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 05:55 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 05:55 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 4 0
    12/27/2023 05:55 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 4 0
    12/27/2023 05:55 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 4 0
    12/27/2023 05:55 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 4 0
    12/27/2023 05:55 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 4 4
    12/27/2023 05:56 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 4
    12/27/2023 05:56 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 4
    12/27/2023 05:56 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 4
    12/27/2023 05:57 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 4
    12/27/2023 05:57 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 4
    12/27/2023 05:57 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 05:57 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 4
    12/27/2023 05:57 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 4
    12/27/2023 05:57 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 6
    12/27/2023 05:58 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 2 0
    12/27/2023 05:58 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/27/2023 05:58 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 4

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 07:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 06:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 8
    12/27/2023 06:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 10
    12/27/2023 06:02 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 4
    12/27/2023 06:04 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 06:12 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/27/2023 06:13 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 06:13 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 06:15 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 06:17 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 06:20 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 06:20 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/27/2023 06:23 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 06:24 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/27/2023 06:25 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 06:25 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 06:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 06:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 06:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 06:58 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 08:00:06
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 07:02 21:1/100 FSX_MAG Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:05 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:15 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:17 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:22 1:218/700 FIDONET.TELEGRAM Some weird Fidonet/Te 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:22 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/27/2023 07:23 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/27/2023 07:24 1:396/45 FIDONET.TELEGRAM Some weird Fidonet/Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/27/2023 07:27 3:712/848 FIDONET.TELEGRAM Some weird Fidonet/Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 4
    12/27/2023 07:28 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:28 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/27/2023 07:40 1:218/700 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 8 0
    12/27/2023 07:43 1:320/219 NHL A good ol' hockey gam 0 8
    12/27/2023 07:47 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:47 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/27/2023 07:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:51 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:54 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:54 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:56 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:56 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:57 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 07:57 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:57 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:58 1:18/200 COOKING Do you have a recipe 18 0
    12/27/2023 07:58 1:18/200 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 15 0
    12/27/2023 07:58 1:18/200 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 15 0
    12/27/2023 07:58 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:58 1:218/700 COOKING Do you have a recipe 18 0
    12/27/2023 07:58 1:218/700 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 15 0
    12/27/2023 07:58 1:218/700 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 15 0
    12/27/2023 07:59 618:500/23 HOROSCOPE Today you will Areafi 2 0
    12/27/2023 07:59 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 2 0
    12/27/2023 07:59 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:59 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 07:59 4:90/1 HOROSCOPE Today you will Areafi 2 0
    12/27/2023 07:59 4:90/1 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 2 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 09:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 08:00 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:00 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:00 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:00 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:02 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:03 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 2 0
    12/27/2023 08:05 1:218/700 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 1 0
    12/27/2023 08:06 1:3634/12 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:06 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 5 4
    12/27/2023 08:08 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 9
    12/27/2023 08:08 1:320/219 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:08 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 9
    12/27/2023 08:09 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 9
    12/27/2023 08:12 1:396/45 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:12 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 5
    12/27/2023 08:12 2:292/854 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:12 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 5
    12/27/2023 08:14 3:633/280 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 9
    12/27/2023 08:15 3:712/848 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:17 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 08:17 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 08:17 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:19 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:22 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:22 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:24 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:24 4:90/1 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:24 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:24 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:26 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/27/2023 08:26 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:43 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 08:44 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 08:59 618:618/1 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 4 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 10:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 09:10 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 09:10 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 09:16 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 09:16 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 09:16 4:90/1 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/27/2023 09:17 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 11:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 10:14 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 10:38 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 12 0
    12/27/2023 10:39 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 10:39 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 12
    12/27/2023 10:40 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 10:41 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 10:41 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 12
    12/27/2023 10:42 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 13
    12/27/2023 10:42 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 10:42 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 25
    12/27/2023 10:42 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 12
    12/27/2023 10:44 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 10:44 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 13
    12/27/2023 10:47 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/27/2023 10:47 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 10:58 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/27/2023 10:58 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 12:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 11:01 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:01 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:02 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:03 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:05 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/27/2023 11:06 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:08 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:08 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:14 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:15 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:17 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:18 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:24 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/27/2023 11:24 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:25 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/27/2023 11:25 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:27 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:27 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/27/2023 11:28 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:29 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 2
    12/27/2023 11:29 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:29 1:18/200 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:29 1:18/200 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:31 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/27/2023 11:31 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:40 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:40 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:41 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:41 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:44 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:49 1:342/200 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/27/2023 11:50 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 11:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 13:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 12:03 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:14 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/27/2023 12:14 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:17 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:18 1:15/0 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:21 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 7 0
    12/27/2023 12:21 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 7
    12/27/2023 12:21 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 7
    12/27/2023 12:21 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:23 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 7
    12/27/2023 12:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 7
    12/27/2023 12:24 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 7
    12/27/2023 12:39 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:39 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:40 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:42 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:46 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:47 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:47 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:47 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:47 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:48 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:49 1:218/700 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:50 1:320/219 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:51 3:712/848 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:51 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:52 3:633/280 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:52 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:52 2:292/854 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:54 1:396/45 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:57 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 12:58 4:90/1 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 12:59 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 14:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 13:02 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:04 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 13:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 13:21 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 0
    12/27/2023 13:21 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/27/2023 13:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/27/2023 13:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/27/2023 13:29 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:29 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 13:29 618:618/1 MIN_ADMIN Micronet: Administrat 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:29 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:29 1:18/200 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:29 1:18/200 MIN_ADMIN Micronet: Administrat 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:29 1:18/200 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:30 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 13:30 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:30 1:18/200 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:30 1:18/200 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/27/2023 13:31 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/27/2023 13:36 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 15:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 14:01 1:3634/12 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:18 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 4 0
    12/27/2023 14:32 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 14:32 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 14:32 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:32 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:32 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:32 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 2 0
    12/27/2023 14:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:33 2:460/58 ELIST [ADM] ELIST Conferenc 5 0
    12/27/2023 14:34 1:218/700 ELIST [ADM] ELIST Conferenc 0 5
    12/27/2023 14:34 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 14:34 1:320/219 ELIST [ADM] ELIST Conferenc 0 5
    12/27/2023 14:34 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:36 3:712/848 ELIST [ADM] ELIST Conferenc 0 5
    12/27/2023 14:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:36 1:396/45 ELIST [ADM] ELIST Conferenc 0 5
    12/27/2023 14:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:40 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:44 3:633/280 ELIST [ADM] ELIST Conferenc 0 5
    12/27/2023 14:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 14:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:58 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 14:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/27/2023 14:59 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 14:59 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 16:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 15:00 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:00 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:03 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 15:04 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:05 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 15:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/27/2023 15:06 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:06 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:06 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:06 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:09 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:20 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 0
    12/27/2023 15:23 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/27/2023 15:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/27/2023 15:26 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 3
    12/27/2023 15:30 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 15:31 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:56 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/27/2023 15:57 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:57 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/27/2023 15:57 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 15:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 15:59 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 17:01:18
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 16:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:00 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:01 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:01 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 1
    12/27/2023 16:02 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:02 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/27/2023 16:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:06 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:06 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/27/2023 16:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:12 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:21 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:21 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:21 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:28 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/27/2023 16:31 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:32 1:342/200 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:32 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:33 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 16:33 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:36 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:36 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 16:58 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 18:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 17:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 2 0
    12/27/2023 17:05 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 2
    12/27/2023 17:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 17:13 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/27/2023 17:32 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 17:32 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/27/2023 17:32 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 2
    12/27/2023 17:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 17:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 17:46 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 17:46 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 17:46 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 17:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 17:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 17:59 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 19:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 18:14 1:320/219 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    12/27/2023 18:17 2:292/854 ELIST [ADM] ELIST Conferenc 0 5
    12/27/2023 18:21 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:22 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:25 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:27 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:27 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    12/27/2023 18:28 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/27/2023 18:31 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:31 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/27/2023 18:31 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/27/2023 18:32 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:32 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:32 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:34 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:34 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/27/2023 18:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/27/2023 18:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/27/2023 18:39 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:39 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:39 618:618/1 MIN_ADMIN Micronet: Administrat 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:39 1:18/200 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:39 1:18/200 MIN_ADMIN Micronet: Administrat 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:41 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:43 25:25/0 METRGBUG Metronet: Renegade bu 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:45 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:47 1:342/200 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:47 1:218/700 OS2 Fidonet International 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:47 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:49 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:51 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 18:57 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/27/2023 18:57 46:1/100 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/27/2023 18:57 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 18:59 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 20:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/27/2023 19:08 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:10 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:10 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:12 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:12 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:18 1:396/45 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:19 21:1/100 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:33 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 0
    12/27/2023 19:33 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/27/2023 19:34 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/27/2023 19:36 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/27/2023 19:36 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 4
    12/27/2023 19:42 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/27/2023 19:42 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:42 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:43 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:43 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:44 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:44 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:47 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 2 0
    12/27/2023 19:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 2 2
    12/27/2023 19:48 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:48 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/27/2023 19:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/27/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:49 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/27/2023 19:50 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:50 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:51 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:51 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:51 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:51 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:53 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:53 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:54 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:54 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:54 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:57 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:58 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:59 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/27/2023 19:59 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:59 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 19:59 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 28, 2023 21:00:08
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/28/2023 20:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:00 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/28/2023 20:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:01 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/28/2023 20:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:07 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:07 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:10 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:10 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:10 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:10 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:11 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:11 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:12 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:12 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:12 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:15 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:15 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:15 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:17 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:19 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:22 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:25 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:26 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:32 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:32 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:32 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:32 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:33 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:45 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/28/2023 20:45 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:45 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:46 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:46 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:47 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:48 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:50 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/28/2023 20:51 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/28/2023 20:51 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:51 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/28/2023 20:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 20:54 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 20:58 618:500/33 MIN_ADMIN Micronet: Administrat 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 28, 2023 22:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/28/2023 21:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 3 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 1:320/219 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 3 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 1:320/219 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 2:460/58 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 3 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 1
    12/28/2023 21:27 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 1
    12/28/2023 21:27 2:460/58 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 3:712/848 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 3 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/28/2023 21:27 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 2
    12/28/2023 21:27 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 1 2
    12/28/2023 21:27 3:712/848 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:30 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/28/2023 21:30 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/28/2023 21:31 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/28/2023 21:31 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/28/2023 21:32 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:35 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:37 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:38 21:1/100 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:42 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/28/2023 21:42 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/28/2023 21:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:43 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 1
    12/28/2023 21:44 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 3
    12/28/2023 21:49 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 0
    12/28/2023 21:49 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/28/2023 21:50 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/28/2023 21:52 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/28/2023 21:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:54 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/28/2023 21:54 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/28/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/28/2023 21:58 618:500/14 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Thursday, December 28, 2023 23:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/28/2023 22:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:17 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:18 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:18 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:21 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:24 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:24 1:15/0 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:24 1:15/0 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:29 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:29 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:30 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/28/2023 22:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:33 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:33 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:38 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:38 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:38 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:40 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:42 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:42 46:1/100 AGN_TST Agoranet: Test forum 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:46 1:105/81 ALT-BBS-ADS ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:46 1:105/81 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:46 1:105/81 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:51 1:320/219 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 2 0
    12/28/2023 22:51 3:712/848 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 0 2
    12/28/2023 22:51 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/28/2023 22:51 3:633/280 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 0 2
    12/28/2023 22:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 22:54 1:396/45 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 0 2
    12/28/2023 22:57 2:292/854 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 00:00:10
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/28/2023 23:02 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:02 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:04 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:10 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:10 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:18 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:37 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:37 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:37 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:37 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 3 0
    12/28/2023 23:38 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/28/2023 23:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:39 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/28/2023 23:42 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/28/2023 23:42 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/28/2023 23:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/28/2023 23:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:51 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/28/2023 23:51 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:52 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:53 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:54 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:54 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/28/2023 23:59 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 01:00:48
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 00:04 618:618/1 L618_SCR Micronet: League 618 16 0
    12/29/2023 00:11 1:320/219 320SYSOP Net 320 Sysops echo 1 0
    12/29/2023 00:11 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 00:11 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 00:13 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 00:13 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 00:13 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 1
    12/29/2023 00:13 1:18/200 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 1
    12/29/2023 00:13 1:18/200 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 1
    12/29/2023 00:15 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 00:17 21:1/100 FSX_GAMING Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/29/2023 00:18 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 00:30 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/29/2023 00:30 1:18/200 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 00:30 1:18/200 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/29/2023 00:46 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 04:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 03:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/29/2023 03:00 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:06 1:105/81 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:15 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:19 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:19 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:20 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:21 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:21 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:21 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 0
    12/29/2023 03:22 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:23 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 4
    12/29/2023 03:23 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 3
    12/29/2023 03:24 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:25 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:27 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:27 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:29 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:30 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:30 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:30 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:31 3:633/280 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:31 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:31 1:105/81 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:31 1:105/81 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:31 1:105/81 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:32 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/29/2023 03:33 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:33 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 3:712/848 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 1:396/45 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 4:90/1 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:36 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 2
    12/29/2023 03:36 4:90/1 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:37 2:292/854 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 03:38 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:38 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:38 1:320/219 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:38 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:44 3:633/280 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 03:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 09:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 08:00 3:712/848 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/29/2023 08:00 3:712/848 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/29/2023 08:00 3:712/848 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 0 15
    12/29/2023 08:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:01 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:01 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:02 2:292/854 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/29/2023 08:02 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:03 618:500/23 MIN_GAMES Micronet: Games 3 0
    12/29/2023 08:03 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:07 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:16 3:633/280 COOKING Do you have a recipe 0 19
    12/29/2023 08:16 3:633/280 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 0 15
    12/29/2023 08:16 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:16 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/29/2023 08:16 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:17 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:17 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:17 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:17 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/29/2023 08:17 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/29/2023 08:17 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:20 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:20 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:21 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/29/2023 08:21 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/29/2023 08:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/29/2023 08:23 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:23 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:23 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:23 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:24 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:24 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:24 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 4
    12/29/2023 08:24 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:25 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:25 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:25 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:27 618:618/1 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 4 0
    12/29/2023 08:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:27 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:29 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:29 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:30 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:30 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:30 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:32 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:35 1:218/700 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:35 1:320/219 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:36 1:3634/12 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:41 1:396/45 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:44 3:633/280 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:44 3:712/848 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 2
    12/29/2023 08:44 2:292/854 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:44 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/29/2023 08:45 4:90/1 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 08:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 10:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 09:07 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:07 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:08 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:08 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:14 618:618/1 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:17 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:27 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:27 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:35 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:35 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 09:36 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 09:39 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 09:39 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 09:41 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 09:43 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:43 4:90/1 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 09:44 25:25/0 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 09:44 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:44 25:25/0 METINFO Metronet: Info 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:48 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 09:58 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 11:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 10:00 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:03 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:06 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:07 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:10 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:10 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:11 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:11 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:13 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:13 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:14 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:15 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:16 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:16 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:20 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:20 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:22 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:25 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 1
    12/29/2023 10:25 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:26 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:27 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/29/2023 10:30 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:31 3:633/280 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:32 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:34 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:34 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:36 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:41 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:42 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:50 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:52 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 10:53 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/29/2023 10:54 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 12:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 11:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:04 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:06 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:06 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:07 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:09 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:16 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:19 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:20 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:21 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:22 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:22 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 11:30 618:618/1 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:31 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 7 0
    12/29/2023 11:31 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 7
    12/29/2023 11:36 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 7
    12/29/2023 11:36 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 7
    12/29/2023 11:37 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 7
    12/29/2023 11:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:44 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 7
    12/29/2023 11:48 1:320/219 WEATHER Messages from the nat 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:48 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:49 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:50 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 11:50 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:50 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:51 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:54 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:54 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:54 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:56 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 11:56 1:227/114 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 3 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 13:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 12:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:03 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:04 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:12 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:25 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/29/2023 12:26 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 12:28 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 12:30 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 12:32 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 12:35 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:36 21:1/100 FSX_GEN Area automatically ad 2 0
    12/29/2023 12:36 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:37 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:37 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:39 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:42 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:42 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:42 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:44 1:229/307 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:48 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:48 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:48 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:48 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:49 2:460/58 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:49 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:50 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:50 1:218/700 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:50 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:50 1:320/219 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:50 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:51 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/29/2023 12:51 3:633/280 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:51 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/29/2023 12:51 46:1/100 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:51 46:1/100 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/29/2023 12:51 46:1/100 AGN_GEN Agoranet: General Cha 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:52 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:52 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 12:54 1:396/45 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:54 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/29/2023 12:56 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:57 2:292/854 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:58 1:227/114 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 5 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 14:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 12:58 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 12:58 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 12:58 1:396/45 COOKING Do you have a recipe 4 0
    12/29/2023 12:58 1:396/45 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 12:58 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:10 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:15 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:15 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:15 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:17 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:17 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:17 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/29/2023 13:18 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:18 618:618/1 L618_SYS Micronet: League 618 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:19 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:19 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:20 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:20 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:20 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/29/2023 13:20 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:20 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:20 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 2
    12/29/2023 13:20 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:21 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:21 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:21 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:21 1:342/200 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:23 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:23 700:100/0 SN_RELIGION Spooknet: SN_RELIGION 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:24 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:24 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:24 1:229/664 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:24 3:712/848 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:24 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:29 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:29 3:633/280 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:29 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:29 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:29 1:320/219 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:29 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:29 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:29 1:218/700 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:29 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:32 2:292/854 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:32 2:292/854 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:32 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:36 1:396/45 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:36 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:36 3:712/848 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:39 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 13:40 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:51 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 0
    12/29/2023 13:52 3:633/280 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:52 1:218/700 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 4
    12/29/2023 13:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 13:52 1:320/219 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:54 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2
    12/29/2023 13:54 3:712/848 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 4
    12/29/2023 13:55 4:90/1 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 15:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 14:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:11 4:900/102 ALT.BBS.ADS 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:15 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:17 4:90/1 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:20 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:20 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 1 1
    12/29/2023 14:22 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:22 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:24 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:30 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:33 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:34 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:34 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:36 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 14:36 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 14:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 16:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 15:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:02 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:09 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 2 0
    12/29/2023 15:11 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:16 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:17 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:18 2:460/58 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:18 1:218/700 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:21 3:633/280 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:21 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/29/2023 15:21 1:320/219 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:21 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/29/2023 15:21 3:712/848 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 2
    12/29/2023 15:21 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 4
    12/29/2023 15:22 2:292/854 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:22 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/29/2023 15:24 1:396/45 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:24 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 2
    12/29/2023 15:36 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 2 0
    12/29/2023 15:37 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:37 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 2
    12/29/2023 15:42 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 2
    12/29/2023 15:53 21:1/100 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:56 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:56 1:320/219 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:57 1:218/700 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:57 4:90/1 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:58 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 15:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:58 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 15:59 21:1/100 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 17:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 16:00 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:00 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:00 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:00 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 16:00 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:01 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:01 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 16:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/29/2023 16:02 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:02 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:06 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:06 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:06 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 16:06 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:07 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 16:23 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 16:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/29/2023 16:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:37 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 16:37 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:40 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:42 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:45 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 16:52 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 18:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 17:02 2:292/854 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:04 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:04 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:06 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:06 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:13 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 2 0
    12/29/2023 17:22 1:342/200 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:23 21:1/100 FSX_RETRO Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:30 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:34 2:5075/35 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:35 1:320/219 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:42 2:292/854 NODELIST-POLICE Fetishistic worship o 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:47 1:320/219 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:47 1:320/219 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 17:48 1:396/45 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:51 3:712/848 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:51 3:633/280 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:52 2:292/854 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 0 1
    12/29/2023 17:58 25:25/0 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 19:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 18:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:13 1:320/219 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    12/29/2023 18:29 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:30 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/29/2023 18:30 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:30 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:30 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:31 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/29/2023 18:31 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:31 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:31 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:33 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:33 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:34 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:36 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/29/2023 18:36 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/29/2023 18:37 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 2
    12/29/2023 18:41 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:41 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 1
    12/29/2023 18:43 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:44 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:45 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 3
    12/29/2023 18:47 2:460/58 POLITICS Political Discussions 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:47 1:218/700 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:48 1:320/219 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:48 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:48 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:49 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:49 3:633/280 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:50 2:292/854 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:52 1:396/45 POLITICS Political Discussions 0 1
    12/29/2023 18:58 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:58 618:500/14 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:58 618:500/14 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 1 0
    12/29/2023 18:58 618:500/14 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 20:00:04
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 19:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:07 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:07 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:08 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:09 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:11 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:12 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:13 1:218/700 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:13 3:633/280 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:14 1:320/219 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:14 1:3634/12 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:17 2:292/854 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:18 3:712/848 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:21 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:22 1:320/219 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/29/2023 19:22 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:22 1:396/45 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 0
    12/29/2023 19:22 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 19:22 1:218/700 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 2
    12/29/2023 19:22 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 19:22 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 2 2
    12/29/2023 19:22 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 3
    12/29/2023 19:24 4:90/1 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:27 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 19:27 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:27 2:292/854 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 19:31 3:633/280 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 0 2
    12/29/2023 19:31 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:40 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:41 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:43 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:44 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:45 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:47 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:49 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:49 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:49 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:53 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:53 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:54 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:54 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:55 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:55 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:56 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:56 1:320/219 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:56 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:57 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 19:58 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:59 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:59 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 19:59 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 29, 2023 21:00:28
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/29/2023 20:00 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:00 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:00 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:00 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:00 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:00 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:00 1:218/700 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:00 1:218/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:00 1:320/219 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 1
    12/29/2023 20:00 1:320/219 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:00 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/29/2023 20:01 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:02 1:218/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:02 1:218/700 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:02 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:03 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:03 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:03 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:03 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:03 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:03 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:03 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:05 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:06 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:08 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 5 1
    12/29/2023 20:08 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 6
    12/29/2023 20:09 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:10 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 7
    12/29/2023 20:10 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 3 7
    12/29/2023 20:11 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 3
    12/29/2023 20:11 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 8
    12/29/2023 20:12 2:460/58 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 2 3
    12/29/2023 20:12 1:218/700 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:12 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:13 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:13 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:13 1:320/219 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:14 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:14 3:633/280 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 13
    12/29/2023 20:15 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 9
    12/29/2023 20:17 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:17 1:396/45 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:21 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:21 3:712/848 SYNC_PROGRAMMING Synchronet/Baja/XSDK 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:33 1:218/700 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:33 1:3634/12 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:35 1:396/45 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:36 3:712/848 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:36 1:320/219 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:37 2:292/854 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:43 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:43 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:43 4:90/1 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:44 3:633/280 FTSC_PUBLIC Public discussion of 0 1
    12/29/2023 20:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/29/2023 20:48 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 2 0
    12/29/2023 20:48 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:49 1:320/219 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:52 3:633/280 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:53 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2
    12/29/2023 20:54 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 0 2

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 30, 2023 07:17:52
    Date Time Origin Area Description Rcvd Dups
    12/30/2023 07:05 46:1/100 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 07:06 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/30/2023 07:06 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/30/2023 07:06 1:320/219 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/30/2023 07:08 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/30/2023 07:12 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/30/2023 07:13 1:229/664 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)