• [5 of 16] Hourly statistics

    From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Friday, December 22, 2023 05:00:06
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GElectric and acoustic 6 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GAll aspects of jazz g 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GDiscussion of acousti 7 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.MUSIC.ROCK-POP1950s Rock, Pop, and 31 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.OUTDOORS.RV-TRDiscussions related t 13 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.ROLLER-COASTERRoller coasters and o 13 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.SKIING.ALPINE Downhill skiing techn 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.SPORT.FOOTBALLUS-style college foot 2 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 REC.WOODWORKING Hobbyists interested 436 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.BIO.PALEONTOLOLife of the past (but 3 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.ELECTRONICS.DEElectronic circuit de 56 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.LANG Natural languages, co 586 6
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.LOGIC Logic -- math, philos 157 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.MATH Mathematical discussi 25 3
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.MED.CARDIOLOGYAll aspects of cardio 0 2
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.MILITARY.NAVALNavies of the world, 1 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.PHYSICS Physical laws, proper 14 2
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SCI.PHYSICS.RELATIThe theory of relativ 29 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SEATTLE.POLITICS seattle.politics 0 2
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.BRAZILArea automatically ad 5 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.CANADADiscussions of Canada 0 63
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.CELTICArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.CHINA Area automatically ad 5 24
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.GREEK Group about Greeks. 0 59
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.IRISH Ireland and Irish cul 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.ISRAELIsrael and Israelis. 4 95
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.JEWISHJewish culture & reli 3 61
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.KOREANDiscussions about Kor 0 2
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.POLISHArea automatically ad 15 2
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.CULTURE.RUSSIAAll things Russian in 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.HISTORY Discussions of things 0 63
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.HISTORY.WAR.MIHistory & events of w 0 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.VETERANS Social issues relatin 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SOC.WOMEN Issues related to wom 2 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 TALK.ORIGINS Evolution versus crea 6 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 TALK.POLITICS.CHINDiscussion of politic 4 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 TALK.POLITICS.DRUGThe politics of drug 0 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 TALK.POLITICS.GUNSThe politics of firea 39 47
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 TALK.POLITICS.MISCArea automatically ad 15 9
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 UK.CURRENT-EVENTS.uk.current-events.ter 7 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 UK.LEGAL UK law 5 80
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 AL.CHRISTNET.BIBLEPassthru area added 0 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.ABORTION The ongoing abortion 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.ACTIVISM.DEATHNice forum to discuss 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.ANONYMOUS.MESSThe infamous anonymou 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.ARTS.POETRY.COalt.arts.poetry.comme 25 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.ATHEISM Praying that there is 34 72
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.BIBLE General bible discuss 15 7
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.BIBLE.PROPHECYBible prophecies 3 8
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.BUDDHA.SHORT.F 2 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.BULLSHIT Bovine fecal matter? 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CALLAHANS Passthru area added 0 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CHECKMATE Chess discussions I t 57 63
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CHINESE.TEXT Passthru area added 0 43 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CHRISTNET.BIBLalt.christnet.bible 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CHRISTNET.CHRIalt.christnet.christi 22 10
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CHRISTNET.PRAYalt.christnet.prayer 2 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.COMP.FREEWARE alt.comp.freeware 11 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.COMP.LINUX alt.comp.linux 5 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.COMP.MICROSOFTPassthru area added 0 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWalt.comp.os.windows-1 5 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.COMP.SOFTWARE.alt.comp.software.sea 3 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.COMPUTER.WORKSComputer workshop cha 99 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CONSPIRACY How big is your tinfo 0 63
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CONSPIRACY.JFKDiscussing the assass 16 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CULTURE.MOROCCArea automatically ad 0 22
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CURRENT-EVENTSalt.current-events.ru 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.CYBERPUNK.CHATArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.DREAMS alt.dreams 4 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.DRUGS Area automatically ad 0 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.DRUGS.DEALERS.Area automatically ad 8 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.DRUGS.DIAZEPAMArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.DRUGS.ECSTASY alt.drugs.ecstasy 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.DRUGS.POT alt.drugs.pot 0 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.DRUGS.PSYCHEDE 0 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FAIRS.RENAISSAArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FAN.CECIL-ADAMCecil Adams 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FAN.GENE-SCOTTalt.fan.gene-scott 2 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FAN.RUSH-LIMBAFans of Rush Limbaugh 61 90
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FICTION.INTERAPassthru area added 0 11 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FLAME.NIGGERS A lot of brotherly lo 0 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FOLKLORE alt.folklore 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FOOD.FAST-FOODalt.food.fast-food 7 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.FUN alt.fun 3 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.GLOBAL-WARMINGPassthru area added 0 2 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.HAPPY.VALLEY Not sure... uhh, abou 1 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.HEMP Passthru area 0 1
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.HISTORY.WHAT-IPassthru area added 0 2 0
    12/22/2023 04:13 2:460/58 ALT.HOME.REPAIR Home repairs and reno 11 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)