• [20 of 20] Hourly statistics

    From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 05:00:04
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.GAMES.PINBALL Discussing pinball-re 6 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.GAMES.TRADING-Passthru area added 0 4 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.GAMES.TRIVIA Discussion about triv 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.GARDENS Gardening, methods an 3 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.HUMOR Jokes and the like. M 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.MUSIC.BEATLES Postings about the Fa 28 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.MUSIC.CLASSICAClassical music perfo 209 6
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.MUSIC.CLASSICADiscussion about clas 7 3
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.MUSIC.DYLAN Discussion of Bob's w 3 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GDiscussion of acousti 11 2
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GElectric and acoustic 13 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.MUSIC.ROCK-POP1950s Rock, Pop, and 3 1
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.OUTDOORS.RV-TRDiscussions related t 14 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.RADIO.SHORTWAVShortwave radio enthu 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.ROLLER-COASTERRoller coasters and o 7 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.SPORT.FOOTBALLUS-style college foot 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 REC.WOODWORKING Hobbyists interested 213 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.ANTHROPOLOGY.PEvolution of man and 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.ASTRO.AMATEUR Amateur astronomy equ 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.BIO.PALEONTOLOLife of the past (but 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.ELECTRONICS.DEElectronic circuit de 26 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.LANG Natural languages, co 833 15
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.LOGIC Logic -- math, philos 218 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.MATH Mathematical discussi 25 2
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.MED.CARDIOLOGYAll aspects of cardio 0 4
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.MISC Short-lived discussio 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.PHYSICS Physical laws, proper 18 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.PHYSICS.RELATIThe theory of relativ 18 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SCI.PHYSICS.RESEARCurrent physics resea 3 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.BELGIUArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.BRAZILArea automatically ad 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.BRITISArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.CANADADiscussions of Canada 0 110
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.CHINA Area automatically ad 2 5
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.GERMANDiscussions about Ger 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.GREEK Group about Greeks. 4 110
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.ISRAELIsrael and Israelis. 12 115
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.JEWISHJewish culture & reli 3 113
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.KOREANDiscussions about Kor 0 5
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.POLISHArea automatically ad 32 1
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.CULTURE.RUSSIAAll things Russian in 5 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.GENEALOGY.IRELArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.GENEALOGY.MEDIGenealogy in the peri 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.GENEALOGY.MISCArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.HISTORY Discussions of things 0 97
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.HISTORY.ANCIENAncient history (up t 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.PENPALS In search of net.frie 3 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.RETIREMENT For seniors: retireme 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 SOC.WOMEN Issues related to wom 5 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 TALK.ORIGINS Evolution versus crea 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 TALK.POLITICS.CHINDiscussion of politic 11 20
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 TALK.POLITICS.DRUGThe politics of drug 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 TALK.POLITICS.GUNSThe politics of firea 29 113
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 TALK.POLITICS.MISCArea automatically ad 14 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 TALK.RELIGION.CHRIArea automatically ad 0 28
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 TALK.RELIGION.NEWAEsoteric and minority 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 UK.CURRENT-EVENTS.uk.current-events.ter 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 UK.LEGAL UK law 12 113
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 UK.MEDIA.TV.SF.DRWArea automatically ad 7 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 VAN.GENERAL Vancouver general off 2 0
    12/26/2023 04:18 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:20 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 4
    12/26/2023 04:20 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 2
    12/26/2023 04:21 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 4
    12/26/2023 04:21 3:712/848 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 0 2
    12/26/2023 04:21 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 2
    12/26/2023 04:21 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 4
    12/26/2023 04:22 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 4
    12/26/2023 04:27 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:35 1:229/700 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:35 1:229/700 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:36 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:38 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 04:39 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 04:42 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/26/2023 04:47 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:52 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/26/2023 04:52 2:292/854 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    12/26/2023 04:55 21:1/100 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 05:00:04
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 IT.DISCUSSIONI.COMit.discussioni.commer 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 IT.DISCUSSIONI.CONit.discussioni.consum 14 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 IT.DISCUSSIONI.MISit.discussioni.mister 19 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 IT.POLITICA it.politica 63 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 NEWS.GROUPS Discussions and lists 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 NYC.FORSALE nyc.forsale 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 NYC.GENERAL Whats happening in Ne 1 90
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.BOOKS Books of all genres, 12 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.COMICS.STDiscussion of short-f 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.DISNEY.ANAnimated features, ca 11 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.DRWHO Discussion about Dr. 91 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.MOVIES.PAPast movies. 3 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.MOVIES.CUThe latest movie rele 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.SF.FANDOMDiscussions of SF fan 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.SF.TV Discussing general te 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.SF.WRITTEDiscussion of written 17 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.TV The boob tube, its hi 628 94
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.AUDIO.OPINION Everybody's two bits 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.AUDIO.PRO Professional audio re 34 1
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.AVIATION.MISC Miscellaneous topics 11 1
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.AVIATION.SOARIAll aspects of sailpl 24 2
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.BICYCLES.TECH Cycling product desig 15 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.BOATS Hobbyists interested 3 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.CRAFTS.METALWOrec.crafts.metalworki 60 4
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.FOOD.COOKING Food, cooking, cookbo 53 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.GAMBLING.POKERAnalysis and strategy 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.GAMES.BACKGAMMDiscussion of the gam 8 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.GAMES.CHESS.MIForum for news/discus 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.GAMES.COMPUTERArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.GAMES.PINBALL Discussing pinball-re 7 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.GAMES.TRADING-Passthru area added 0 10 1
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.GAMES.TRIVIA Discussion about triv 3 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.GARDENS Gardening, methods an 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.HUMOR Jokes and the like. M 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.MUSIC.BEATLES Postings about the Fa 27 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.MUSIC.CLASSICADiscussion about clas 16 1
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.MUSIC.CLASSICAClassical music perfo 313 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.MUSIC.HIP-HOP Hip-Hop music and cul 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GElectric and acoustic 14 1
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.MUSIC.MAKERS.GDiscussion of acousti 8 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.MUSIC.MISC Music lovers' group. 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.MUSIC.ROCK-POP1950s Rock, Pop, and 6 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.OUTDOORS.RV-TRDiscussions related t 23 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.RADIO.AMATEUR.Antennas: theory, tec 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.ROLLER-COASTERRoller coasters and o 12 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.SPORT.FOOTBALLUS-style college foot 5 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 REC.WOODWORKING Hobbyists interested 289 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.ASTRO.AMATEUR Amateur astronomy equ 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.BIO.PALEONTOLOLife of the past (but 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.ELECTRONICS.DEElectronic circuit de 27 4
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.LANG Natural languages, co 969 18
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.LOGIC Logic -- math, philos 368 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.MATH Mathematical discussi 14 6
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.MED.CARDIOLOGYAll aspects of cardio 1 4
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.MISC Short-lived discussio 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.PHYSICS Physical laws, proper 9 4
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SCI.PHYSICS.RELATIThe theory of relativ 29 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.BRAZILArea automatically ad 11 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.CANADADiscussions of Canada 1 90
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.CHINA Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.GERMANDiscussions about Ger 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.GREEK Group about Greeks. 3 90
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.ISRAELIsrael and Israelis. 8 95
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.JEWISHJewish culture & reli 5 100
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.POLISHArea automatically ad 50 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.PUERTOsoc.culture.puerto-ri 4 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.RUSSIAAll things Russian in 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.GENEALOGY.MEDIGenealogy in the peri 3 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.HISTORY Discussions of things 1 90
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.HISTORY.MEDIEVThe historic period o 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.NET-PEOPLE Announcements, reques 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 SOC.PENPALS In search of net.frie 6 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 TALK.ORIGINS Evolution versus crea 5 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS.CHINDiscussion of politic 3 6
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS.GUNSThe politics of firea 42 95
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS.MISCArea automatically ad 18 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 UK.CURRENT-EVENTS.uk.current-events.ter 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 UK.LEGAL UK law 7 99
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 UK.MEDIA.TV.SF.DRWArea automatically ad 8 0
    12/27/2023 04:18 1:218/700 VAN.GENERAL Vancouver general off 2 0
    12/27/2023 04:21 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:21 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:23 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:24 1:320/219 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:27 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:28 4:90/1 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 0 4
    12/27/2023 04:28 4:90/1 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 0 2
    12/27/2023 04:31 3:633/280 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:36 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 1 0
    12/27/2023 04:41 1:320/219 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:42 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:47 2:292/854 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 0 1
    12/27/2023 04:58 618:618/1 MIN_DEBATE Micronet: Debates 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)