• [75 of 106] Hourly statistics

    From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, December 30, 2023 07:00:04
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.MICROSOFTPassthru area added 0 2 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWArea automatically ad 8 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWalt.comp.os.windows-1 9 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWalt.comp.os.windows-x 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.COMPUTER.WORKSComputer workshop cha 57 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.CONSPIRACY How big is your tinfo 1 121
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.CONSPIRACY.JFKDiscussing the assass 6 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.CULTURE.HAWAIIalt.culture.hawaii 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.CULTURE.INTERNArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.CULTURE.KERALAArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.CULTURE.MOROCCArea automatically ad 0 2
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.DREAMS alt.dreams 2 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.DEALERS.Area automatically ad 27 2
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.DIAZEPAMArea automatically ad 10 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.ECSTASY alt.drugs.ecstasy 12 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.FENTANYLArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:52 3:712/848 ALT.DRWHO.CREATIVEWeirdo Dr. Who fanfic 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.FAN.GENE-SCOTTalt.fan.gene-scott 4 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.FAN.MARILYN-MOMasturbatory fantasy 0 154
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 4 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 7 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 10
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 10 11
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 5
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 4 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 CANACHAT Canadian chat confere 2 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 COOKING Do you have a recipe 15 15
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 DOORGAMES BBS Doorgames and dis 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ECHO_ADS Advertise FidoNet Ech 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 2
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 4 10
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 9
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 FIDOTEST Fidonet testing echo 2 6
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 HOME_COOKING Home Cooking and Rela 15 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 OTHERNETS OtherNets: Informatio 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 POLITICS Political Discussions 3 18
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 5 10
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 RECIPES Cooking recipes and t 15 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 9 34
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 5 22
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 6 28
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 SYSOP Yet another Fido Syso 1 2
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 24HOURSUPPORT.HELPSomething to do with 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 AL.CHRISTNET.BIBLEPassthru area added 0 2 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.ABORTION The ongoing abortion 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.ACTIVISM.CHILDalt.activism.children 22 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.ACTIVISM.CHILDalt.activism.children 22 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.ACTIVISM.DEATHNice forum to discuss 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.AEFFLE.UND.PFEPassthru area added 0 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.ARTS.POETRY.COalt.arts.poetry.comme 47 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.ATHEISM Praying that there is 157 125
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.AUTO.MERCEDES Passthru area added 0 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.BIBLE General bible discuss 21 27
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.BIBLE.PROPHECYBible prophecies 2 4
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.BUDDHA.SHORT.F 16 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.BUSINESS.HOME alt.business.home 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.BUSINESS.MLM Passthru area added 0 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CELLULAR.ERICSPassthru area added 0 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHECKMATE Chess discussions I t 35 119
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHINESE.TEXT Passthru area added 0 10 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET alt.christnet 1 9
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.BIBLalt.christnet.bible 3 9
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.CHRIalt.christnet.christi 57 39
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.EVANalt.christnet.evangel 1 9
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.PHILalt.christnet.philoso 1 9
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.PRAYalt.christnet.prayer 3 9
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.THEOalt.christnet.theolog 1 9
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.FREEWARE alt.comp.freeware 6 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.LINUX alt.comp.linux 5 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.MICROSOFTPassthru area added 0 2 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWArea automatically ad 8 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWalt.comp.os.windows-1 9 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWalt.comp.os.windows-x 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.COMPUTER.WORKSComputer workshop cha 57 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CONSPIRACY How big is your tinfo 1 121
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CONSPIRACY.JFKDiscussing the assass 6 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CULTURE.HAWAIIalt.culture.hawaii 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CULTURE.INTERNArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CULTURE.KERALAArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.CULTURE.MOROCCArea automatically ad 0 2
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.DREAMS alt.dreams 2 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.DEALERS.Area automatically ad 27 2
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.DIAZEPAMArea automatically ad 10 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.ECSTASY alt.drugs.ecstasy 12 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.FENTANYLArea automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.DRWHO.CREATIVEWeirdo Dr. Who fanfic 3 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.FAN.GENE-SCOTTalt.fan.gene-scott 4 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 ALT.FAN.MARILYN-MOMasturbatory fantasy 0 154
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 FSX_BBS Area automatically ad 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 METGEN Metronet: General cha 1 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 4 0
    12/30/2023 06:53 3:712/848 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 7 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)