Montroze to
All on Monday, April 13, 2020 17:43:40
Boy tough call, as I have ran a bbs since 1996. Music is a passion to me, youtube for finding more great bands. I am also a drummer in a band that we started in 1982-1995, and I found a member on a site (forget where now) that I haven't seen in 20 years, same guys just another era.[I have been in bands from an early age, I was the FLAG carrier.] ! LOL I also fix computers for family and thier freinds. I did have a near fatal Ruptured Brain Anyerism in 2005, I was flown to Toronto for coiling, they fixex it from a leg artery up the leg, though the heart and into the brain. (7hrs) Basically about it, getting top old for much of anything.