• The Inner Circle Hackers & Telenet (1983)

    From x3r0x@x3r0x@hispagatos.org to alt.2600.madrid,hispagatos.talk,alt.2600,alt.2600.madrid on Monday, December 09, 2024 17:07:25
    From Newsgroup: alt.2600

    In the United States in 1983 there were two big hacker group busts. The
    first was in July, a group of Milwaukee high-schoolers known as the
    414s, the resulting FBI investigation and the identification of the
    youths involved generated intense media attention.

    Three months after the 414s were raided there was a second huge ongoing
    FBI hack investigation and impending nationwide raids of hacking groups
    named the Inner Circle and the Phalsers. This second FBI inquiry was in
    many ways more significant than that of the 414s in terms of hacker
    history but it doesn't even appear on many timelines on the topic. This
    video will focus mainly on the Inner Circle but we'll of course discuss
    the Phalsers and other random hackers caught up in the fed's dragnet
    along the way.

    In this first video we're going to look at what was hacked and how, then
    in the second video we'll examine the ways in which the hackers involved
    were caught and what happened next.

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